

論文等の名称 執筆者名 発表年 掲載誌
 Impact of internal flooding on rice yield and quality in pot experiments Satoshi Sakata, Satoshi Ohno, Hiroki Minakawa 2016 CIGR-AgEng conference, Jun. 26–29, 2016, Aarhus, Denmark
A Reduction in Spikelet Number and Fertility Causes Yield Vulnerability in High-Yielding Rice Tohru Kobata,  Hibiki Ishia, Hiroyuki Iwasaki 2017  Crop Ecology & Physiology, 109(1), p. 175-184.
Agro‐climate changes over Northeast Asia in RCP scenarios simulated by WRF Joong‐Bae Ahn, Ja‐Young Hong, Kyo‐Moon Shim 2016 The International Journal Climatology, 36, p. 1278–1290
Can the cropping schedule of rice be adapted to changing climate? A case study in cool areas of northern Japan Hiroyuki Shimonoa, Hiromitsu Kannob, Shinji Sawano 2010 Field Crops Research,  118(2), p. 126-134
Critical air temperature and sensitivity of the incidence of chalky rice kernels for the rice cultivar “Sai-no-kagayaki” Yuji Masutomi, Makoto Arakawa, Toyotaka Minoda, Tetsushi Yonekura, Tomohide Shimada 2015 Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 203, p. 11–16
Differential response of rice plants to high night temperatures imposed at varying developmental phases Ma. Rebecca C. Laza, Hidemitsu Sakai, Weiguo Cheng, Takeshi Tokida, Shaobing Peng, Toshihiro Hasegawa 2015 Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 209–210, p. 69–77
Earlier rice phenology as a result of climate change can increase the risk of cold damage during reproductive growth in northern Japan Hiroyuki Shimono 2011 Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 144(1), p. 201-207
Economic Evaluation of Agricultural Mitigation and Adaptation Technologies for Climate Change: Model Development for Impact Analysis and Technological Assessment Jun FURUYA, Suminori TOKUNAGA, Mitsuru OKIYAMA, Yuko AKUNE,
2015 Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly, 49(2), P. 119-125
Effect of high water temperature during vegetative growth on rice growth and yield under a cool climate Aayako Ishii, Eiki Kuroda, Hiroyuki Shimono 2010  Field Crops Research, 121(1), p. 88-95
Genotypic variation in the response to high water temperature during vegetative growth and the effects on rice productivity under a cool climate Kakeru Horai, Ayako Ishii, Hiroyuki Shimono 2013 Crops Research, 162, p. 12-19
Grain growth of different rice cultivars under elevated CO2 concentrations affects yield and quality Guoyou Zhanga, Hidemitsu Sakai, Yasuhiro Usui, Takeshi Tokida,Hirofumi Nakamura, Chunwu Zhu, Minehiko Fukuoka, Kazuhiko Kobayashi,Toshihiro Hasegawa 2011 Field Crops Research, 179, p. 72-80
Image analysis of grain shape to evaluate the effects of high temperatures on grain filling of rice, Oryza sativa L Jun-ichi Yonemaru, Satoshi Morita 2012 Field Crops Research, 137, p. 268-271
Is long-term climate change beneficial or harmful for rice total factor productivity in Japan: evidence from a panel data analysis Yoji Kunimitsu, Toshichika Iizumi, Masayuki Yokozawa 2014 Paddy and Water Environment, 12(Supp. 2), pp 213–225
Large-scale evaluation of the effects of adaptation to climate change by shifting transplanting date on rice production and quality in Japan Yasushi ISHIGOOKA, Shin FUKUI, Toshihiro HASEGAWA, Tsuneo KUWAGATA, Motoki NISHIMORI, Motohiko KONDO 2017 Journal of Agricultural Meteorology, 73(4), p.156-173
Molecular physiological aspects of chalking mechanism in rice grains under high-temperature stress Toshiaki Mitsui, Hiromoto Yamakawa, Tohru Kobatac 2015 Plant Production Science, 19(1), p. 22-29. 
Panicle emergence pattern and grain yield of rice plants in response to high temperature stress Atsushi MARUYAMA, Takahiro HAMASAKI, Ryoji SAMESHIMA, Manabu NEMOTO, Hiroyuki OHNO, Kiyoshi OZAWA, Yasuyuki WAKIYAMA 2015 Journal of Agricultural Meteorology, 71(4), p. 282-291
Percentage of Dehisced Thecae and Length of Dehiscence Control Pollination Stability of Rice Cultivarsat High Temperatures Kazuhiro Kobayashi, Tsutomu Matsui, Yuusuke Murata, Mayuko Yamamoto 2011 Plant Production Science, 14(2), p. 89-95.
Probabilistic Risk Assessment of the Rice Cropping Schedule for Central Hokkaido, Japan Manabu Nemoto, Takahiro Hamasaki 2012 Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 51(7), p. 1253–1264
Regional Impacts of Long-term Climate Change on Rice Production and Agricultural Income: Evidence from Computable General Equilibrium Analysis Yoji KUNIMITSU 2015 Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly, 49(2), p. 173-185
Sensitivity of cool summer-induced sterility of rice to increased growing-season temperatures: A case study in Hokkaido, Japan Akemi TANAKA, Tomonori SATO, Manabu NEMOTO, Yasuhiro YAMANAKA 2014 Journal of Agricultural Meteorology, 70(1), p. 25-40
Technological spillover in Japanese rice productivity under longterm climate change: evidence from the spatial econometric model Yoji Kunimitsu, Ryoji Kudo, Toshichika Iizumi, Masayuki Yokozawa 2016 Paddy and Water Environment, 14(1), p. 131-144
イネの高温不稔条件下の葯における遺伝子発現の変化 川岸万紀子・東谷篤志 2018 第245回日本作物学会講演会要旨集, p.150
イネの高CO2濃度と温度上昇に対する応答の実験的解明とモデリング  長谷川利拡 2018 日本作物学会講演会要旨集, 第245回日本作物学会講演会, p.254-257.
イネの登熟期の高温が種子発芽に及ぼす影響 Chetphilin Suriyasak・玉田愛奈・小林拓矢・濱岡範光・井上眞理・石橋勇志 2018 第245回日本作物学会講演会要旨集, p.76
イネ登熟期が記録的な猛暑となった平成22 年産米のデンプン特性及び蒸米酵素消化性 奥田将生・上用みどり・高橋圭・後藤奈美・高垣幸男・池上勝・鍋倉義仁 2013 日本醸造協会誌, 108(5), p. 368-376.
岩手県の水稲における登熟期間前期の気象条件が登熟に与える影響 藤岡智明・永富巨人・小田中温美  2018 第245回日本作物学会講演会要旨集, p.7
高温登熟環境下での背白粒発生及び窒素施用による品質改善機構の品種間差異 畠山友翔・中野洋・恩田弥生・野並浩・Rosa Erra-Balsells・中島大賢・平岡賢三・和田博史 2018 第245回日本作物学会講演会要旨集, p.117
コメ生産に対する気候変動の影響と適応策 松本健一・高木三水珠 2017 環境科学会誌, 30(6), p.346‒356
高温登熟によるアリューロン細胞の増加がイネ子実の外観品質に及ぼす影響 小林拓矢・Chetphilin Suriyasak・玉田愛奈・立石亮太・小山唯・Wun Jin Chen・濱岡範光・井上眞理・石橋勇志 2018 第245回日本作物学会講演会要旨集, p.71
高温登熟条件で白未熟粒が多発する水稲品種における粒径および胚乳細胞の数と大きさの特徴 宮崎彰・山下真里藻・米丸淳一・森田敏 2018 第245回日本作物学会講演会要旨集, p.189
酒造好適米における心白(白色不透明部)の微細構造と高温登熟による影響 新田洋司・石川春香・浅木直美・高松光生 2018 第245回日本作物学会講演会要旨集, p.90
米17品種の外観品質に及ぼすオゾンと気温上昇との複合影響 澤田寛子・河野吉久・玉置雅紀 2017 大気環境学会誌, 52(2), p.59-67
登熟期の高温が穂上位置が異なる穎果における貯蔵物質の蓄積構造におよぼす影響 新田洋司・秋元拓己・浅木直美 2017 第244回日本作物学会講演会要旨集, p.7


論文等の名称 執筆者名 発表年 掲載誌
2017長野県の園芸畜産 長野県農政部園芸畜産課 2017 pp 10.
Dynamic Panel Data Analysis of the Impacts of Climate Change on Agricultural Production in Japan Suminori TOKUNAGA, Mitsuru OKIYAMA、 Maria IKEGAWA 2015 Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly, 49(2), p. 149-157
Effect of temperature on development of primary axillary flower bunch in strawberry bench culture K. Yamazaki, H. Kumakura, H. Hamamoto 2014  Acta Horticulturae, 1049, p. 809-812
Effects of elevated CO2 concentration on bulbil germination and early seedling growth in Chinese yam under different air temperatures Nguyen Cong Thinh, Etsushi Kumagai, Hiroyuki Shimono, Michio Kawasaki 2017 Plant Production Science, 20(3), p.313-322
Effects of elevated CO2 concentration on growth and photosynthesis of Chinese yam under different temperature regimes Nguyen Cong Thinh, Hiroyuki Shimono, Etsushi Kumagai, Michio Kawasaki 2017 Plant Production Science, 20(2), p.227-236
オープントップチャンバ内で観察されたキャベツ・レタス1次生産力に及ぼす高炭酸ガス濃度・高温の影響 岡田邦彦 2010 園芸学研究, 9(別2), p. 236-236
ホウレンソウの花芽分化および抽台に及ぼす適温長日条件と短日高温条件の影響 山崎 敬亮・岡田 邦彦 2004 園芸学会雑誌 別冊, 73(2), p. 191
ホウレンソウの生育に対する高温影響評価モデルの開発1.高温処理が光利用率に及ぼす影響 岡田 邦彦・浅沼 伸吾・村上 健二・相澤 証子 2003 園芸学会雑誌 別冊, 72(1), p. 101
夏秋雨よけトマト栽培における裂果軽減技術(第Ⅰ報) 木村真美・藤谷信二・一万田賢治 2012 大分県農林水産研究指導センター研究報告(農業研究部編),2, p.23 
簡易設置型パッドアンドファン冷房が高温期のハウス内温度, 飽差並びにトマトの生育 渡邉圭太・中西幸太郎・光川嘉則・櫻井基生 2014 兵庫農技総セ研報(農業), 62, p. 14-18
気候変化レポート 2015 -関東甲信・北陸・東海地方- 気象庁 2016
気候変動に対応したイチゴの栽培技術、品質保持技術の確立 岐阜県農業技術センター 野菜・果樹部 2017 平成 2 9 度 岐阜県農業技術センター年報, pp 11-12
宮崎県農水産業地球温暖化対応方針 宮崎県 2012
生育モデルによる暖候期レタスの地上部乾物重および抽台長に及ぼす高温影響解析 岡田 邦彦・浅沼 伸吾・村上 健二・相澤 証子 2006 園芸学会雑誌 別冊, 75(2), p. 254
生育期間中の高温が収穫後のジャガイモ塊茎の品質におよぼす影響 森正彦・山田笑子・白石凌雲・Paul Bethke 2018 第245回日本作物学会講演会要旨集, p.195
第9次熊本県野菜振興計画書~稼げる野菜農家経営の実現に向けて~ 熊本県 2015 pp 4.
抽苔長と結球葉数の関係に基づく暖候期レタスの生産成立条件の定式化および温暖化影響評価マップ表示 岡田 邦彦・大原 源二 2012 農業環境工学関連学会合同大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM), 2012
イチゴのクラウン温度制御実証技術マニュアル 栗原地域農業研究・普及協議会 2011
ブロッコリーに発生するブラウンビーズはなぜ問題か 中村憲太郎 2014 10月のニュース試験場だより458号(平成26年11月号)


論文等の名称 執筆者名 発表年 掲載誌
Apple (Malus pumila var. domestica) phenology is advancing due to rising air temperature in northern Japan Mariko Fujisawa, Kazuhiko Kobayashi 2010 Global Change Biology, 16(10), p. 2651–2660
Changes in locations suitable for satsuma mandarin and tankan cultivation due to global warming in Japan T. Sugiura, D. Sakamoto, Y. Koshita, H. Sugiura, T. Asakura 2016 ISHS Acta Horticulturae 1130, p. 91-94
Characteristics of Responses of Fruit Trees to Climate Changes in Japan T. Sugiura 2010 ISHS Acta Horticulturae 872: VIII International Symposium on Temperate Zone Fruits in the Tropics and Subtropics
Climate change adaptation practices of apple growers in Nagano, Japan Mariko Fujisawa, Kazuhiko Kobayashi 2011 Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 16(8), pp 865–877
Effect of Flowering Time on Occurrence of Reddish Pulp in the Peach Fumio Fukuda, Yuki Tomita, Yukihito Aishima, Kumiko Koumoto, Yuichiro Fujii, Ken Hirano, Kunihisa Morinaga, Naohiro Kubota 2017 The Horticulture Journal, 86(2), p.145-150
Effect of High Temperature and Drought Stress on Carbohydrate Translocation in Japanese Apricot 'Nanko' Trees Yasuhisa Tsuchida, Hiroshi Yakushiji 2017 The Horticulture Journal, 86(3), p.311-316
Impact assessment of global warming on past changes in coloring of grape berry skins by using a model for estimating berry skin coloring T. Sugiura, D. Sakamoto, Y. Koshita, H. Sugiura, S. Konno 2017  ISHS Acta Horticulturae 1160, p. 341-347
Varietal Assessment of Threshold Air Temperatures for Cold Damage in Loquat Fruit Toshihiko Sugiura, Naofumi Hiehata, Emiko Tanimoto, Yasunori Tsutaki, Takashi Toyoshima, Kazuhide Nakamura, Daisuke Sakamoto, Shohei Konno 2016 The Horticulture Journal, 85(2), p.122–127
気温上昇が千葉県内におけるニホンナシ'幸水'の休眠期と開花期に及ぼす影響 戸谷智明・川瀬信三 2011 園芸学研究, 10(4), p.531–536
地球温暖化はどのように地域の問題なのか : 長野県高森町の市田柿の事例研究 白井信雄 2017 地域活性学会研究大会論文集, 9, p.192-195
Comparative phenology of dormant Japanese pear (Pyrus pyrifolia) flower buds: a possible cause of 'flowering disorder' A. Ito, T. Sakaue, O. Fujimaru, A. Iwatani, T. Ikeda, D. Sakamoto, T. Sugiura, T. Moriguchi 2018 Tree Physiol, 38(6), p. 825-839
リンゴの晩霜害発生に関係する春季の平均気温、最低気温の年次変化 朝倉利員 2010 日本気象学会大会講演予稿集, 98, p.473


論文等の名称 執筆者名 発表年 掲載誌
 Interactive Effects of Elevated Atmospheric CO2 and Waterlogging on Vegetative Growth of Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) Hiroyuki Shimono, Tomohiro Konno, Hidemitsu Sakai, Ryoji Sameshima 2012 Plant Production Science, 15(3), p. 238-245
2010年の高温による黒ダイズ収量の激減 大西政夫・門脇正行・河原克明・土本浩之 2012 農業生産技術管理学会誌, 18(4), p.205−210
Econometric Analysis of Grading Standards: The Ordered Fractional Approach Kentaro Kawasaki, Erik Lichtenberg 2013 American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 96(1), p.345-365
ダイズの湿害被害に及ぼす気象要因の解明 今野智寛・下野裕之・鮫島良次 2010 第229回日本作物学会講演会要旨集, p.304
ダイズ高収事例における収量と気象要因との関係-簡易モデルを用いた解析- 白岩立彦・本間香貴・島田信二・鮫島良次 2012 第233回日本作物学会講演会要旨集, p.392-393
関東南部におけるサイレージ用トウモロコシ(Zea mays L.)二期作の品種の組み合わせ 折原健太郎 2017 日草誌62(4), p.181-188
茎熱収支法を用いた温度勾配チャンバーにおけるダイズ蒸散量の日変化測定 中野聡史・Custodio P. Tacarindua・中島慶一郎・白岩立彦・本間香貴 2012 第233回日本作物学会講演会要旨集, p.114-115
最新の気象予測データに基づく関東地域におけるトウモロコシ(Zea mays L.)二期作適地の変化予測 菅野勉・森田聡一郎・佐々木寛幸・西村和志・西森基貴 2017 日草誌63(2), p.81-88
登熟期の昼間または夜間の高温が六条大麦の硝子率に及ぼす影響 岡村夏海・池田達哉・平将人・柳澤貴司・青木恵美子・長嶺敬・前島秀和 2018 第245回日本作物学会講演会要旨集, p.113
土壌乾燥条件下のコムギにおける登熟期のソース・シンク特性の品種間比較 吉岡佑一郎・中山珠洲・中島大賢・市川信次・安萍・柏木純一 2018 第245回日本作物学会講演会要旨集, p.141
東北地方におけるダイズ収量の年次・地域間変動と気象要因との関係 山根正博・国分牧衛 2016 日本作物学会紀事, 85(2), p.198-203


論文等の名称 執筆者名 発表年 掲載誌
Effect of High Environmental Temperature on Egg Production, Serum Lipoproteins and Follicle Steroid Hormones in Laying Hens Nami Yoshida, Masanori Fujita, Munehiro Nakahara, Teppei Kuwahara, Shin-Ichi Kawakami, Takashi Bungo 2011 The Journal of Poultry Science, 48(3), p.207-211
Relation of Calcium Activity in Milk and Milk Production of Holstein Cows in Hot Season Masahito Tanaka, Tomoyuki Suzuki, Saber Kotb, Yuko Kamiya 2011 Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 24(10), p.1372-1376
暑熱環境が肥育後期豚の深部体温と消化吸収能力に及ぼす影響 松本光史・村上斉・阪谷美樹・井上寛暁・梶雄次 2008 栄養生理研究会報, 52(2)別刷, p.43-48
日本飼養標準乳牛 農業・食品産業技術総合研究機構 2017 中央畜産会, pp.253【p.78-81】
わが国のホルスタイン種育成雌牛の夏季増体重に及ぼす温暖化の影響 野中最子・山崎信・田鎖直澄・樋口浩二・永西修・寺田文典・栗原光規 2010 日本畜産学会報, 81(1), p.29-35
夏場の乳牛の飼養管理について 高橋強 2017 牧草と園芸, 65(3), p.22-26
暑熱環境が黒毛和種去勢肥育牛の飼料摂取量、発育、血液成分および飼料消化性に及ぼす影響 前田友香・西村慶子・中武好美・寺田文典・櫛引史郎 2017 日本畜産学会報, 88(3), p.281-291
暑熱環境下におけるグルコースおよび多糖類分解性酵素の給与が肥育豚の発育成績、飼料の消化率および酸化ストレスに及ぼす影響 芦原茜・石田藍子・京谷隆侍・勝俣昌也 2014 日本養豚学会誌, 51(2), p.63-67
豚液状精液人工授精におけるカフェイン添加による暑熱期の分娩率低下の改善 山口昇一郎・金子和典・川島幸子・竹村陽・増本憲考・笠正二郎・舟橋弘晃・吉岡耕治 2017 日本養豚学会誌, 54(4), p.155-160
Seasonal heat stress: Clinical implications and hormone treatments for the fertility of dairy cows F. De Rensis, I. Garcia-Ispierto, F. López-Gatius 2015 Theriogenology, 84(5), p.659-666
Quantifying the effect of heat stress on daily milk yield and monitoring dynamic changes using an adaptive dynamic model G. André, B. Engel, P. B. M. Berentsen, Th. V. Vellinga, A. G. J. M. Oude Lansink 2011 Journal of Dairy Science, 94(9), p.4502-4513


論文等の名称 執筆者名 発表年 掲載誌
Annual fluctuations in the immigrant density of rice planthoppers, Sogatella furcifera and Nilaparvata lugens (Hemiptera: Delphacidae), in the Kyushu district of Japan, and associated meteorological conditions Shin-ichirou Syobu, Akira Otuka, Masaya Matsumura 2012 Appl Entomol Zool, 47, p. 399–412
Assessing the Global Risk of Establishment of Cydia pomonella (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) using CLIMEX and MaxEnt Niche Models Kumar S, Neven LG, Zhu H, Zhang R 2015 Journal of Economic Entomology, 108(4) p. 1708-1719
Collapse of Insect Gut Symbiosis under Simulated Climate Change Yoshitomo Kikuchi, Akiyo Tada, Dmitry L. Musolin, Nobuhiro Hari, Takahiro Hosokawa, Kenji Fujisaki, Takema Fukatsu 2016 Climate Change. American Society For Microbiology, 7(5), e01578-16
Current and potential distribution of Senecio madagascariensis Poir. (fireweed), an invasive alien plant in Japan Michio Tsutsumi 2011 Grassland Science, 57(3), p.150-157
Dissecting insect responses to climate warming: overwintering and post-diapause performance in the southern green stink bug, Nezara viridula, under simulated climate-change conditions Katsuaki Takeda, Dmitry L. Musolin, Kenji Fujisaki 2010 Physiological Entomology, 35, p. 343–353
Ecology of the Maize Orange Leafhopper, Cicadulina bipunctata (Melichar) (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) Keiichiro MATSUKURA, Masaya MATSUMURA 2013 Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly, 47(4), p. 365-369 
Estimation of climatic factors relating to occurrence of the maize orange leafhopper, Cicadulina bipunctata Keiichiro Matsukura, Kazuhiro Yoshida, Masaya Matsumura 2012 Population Ecology, 54(3), p.397-403
JPP-NET が提供する有効積算温度計算シミュレーションを用いた大阪府でのオオタバコガ成虫の羽化ピーク日予測 金子修治・城塚可奈子・柴尾学 2017 関西病虫研報(59), p.105-108
Maladaptive photoperiodic response in an invasive alien insect, Milionia basalis pryeri (Lepidoptera: Geometridae), in southern Kyushu, Japan Yoshinori Shintani, Yoshikazu Kato, Takeo Saito, Yuji Oda, Misato Terao, Keisuke Nagamine 2018 Applied Entomology and Zoology, 53(3), pp.343-351
Surviving winter: diapause syndrome in the southern green stink bug Nezara viridula in the laboratory, in the field, and under climate change conditions DMITRY L. MUSOLIN 2012 Physiological Entomology, 37(4), p. 309-322
Too hot to handle? Phenological and life‐history responses to simulated climate change of the southern green stink bug Nezara viridula (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) DMITRY L. MUSOLIN, DAISUKE TOUGOU, KENJI FUJISAKI 2010 Global Change Biology, 16, p. 73–87
イネ白葉枯病の発生生態と防除 津下誠治 2018 植物防疫, 72(5), p. 326-53
ニホンナシの果肉障害発生とこれまでの研究成果 田村文男 2017 園芸学会雑誌, 16(4), pp.373-381
近畿地方におけるミナミアオカメムシの分布拡大:加速する北上 下司 純也・藤崎 憲治 2013 日本応用動物昆虫学会誌(応動昆), 57(3), p. 151–157
高温がジャガイモヒゲナガアブラムシ(カメムシ目:アブラムシ科)とダイズアブラムシ(カメムシ目:アブラムシ科)の発育と増殖に及ぼす影響 菊池孝伸・加藤寛・香川清彦・園田昌司・村井保 2018 日本応用動物昆虫学会誌, 62(1), pp.41-46
和歌山県におけるトマト褐色輪紋病の発生と防除対策 菱池政志 2017 植物防疫, 71(10), p. 42-44
Comparisons of seasonal fluctuations in Uroleucon nigrotuberculatum (Hemiptera: Aphididae) densities between 2003–2004 and 2015–2016 in northern areas of its distribution range in Japan Shuhei Adachi, Takashi Kidokoro, Michio Chiba, Makoto Tokuda 2018 Applied Entomology and Zoology, 53(2), pp.243-252
An Application of a Physical Vegetation Model to Estimate Climate Change Impacts on Rice Leaf Wetness RYUHEI YOSHIDA, YUMI ONODERA, TAKAMASA TOJO, TAKESHI YAMAZAKI 2015 Journal of Applied meteorology and climateology, 54
レタス根腐病の被害軽減技術の開発と実証 岩間 俊太 2016 植物防疫, 70(4)


論文等の名称 執筆者名 発表年 掲載誌
Modeling the effect of rainfall intensity on soil‐water nutrient exchange in flooded rice paddies and implications for nitrate fertilizer runoff to the Oita River in Japan Makoto Higashino, Heinz G. Stefan 2013 Water Resources Research, 50(11), p. 8611-8624
高濃度濁水が扇状地の水田浸透量・河川伏流量に及ぼす影響 田中健二・瀬川学・藤原洋一・高瀬恵次・丸山利輔・長野峻介 2018 農業農村工学会論文集, 86(1), p.I_47-I_54
猛暑に対応した水稲作付け体系が用水需要変動に及ぼす影響 坂田 賢・友正 達美・吉村 亜希子 2015 水土の知, 82(8), p. 269-272
低平水田域における豪雨排水に関するリスクとその不確実性の評価法 皆川裕樹・池山和美・ 北川 巌・ 増本隆夫 2018 農業農村工学会論文集, 307(86-2), p.I_175-I_184
豪雨・渇水に対する備えと対応(参考事例集)ため池編 農林水産省 農村振興局  2013
豪雨に対する備えと対応(参考事例集)排水機場編 農林水産省 農村振興局  2013
豪雨の内部波形に注目した低平地排水に対する気候変動の定量的影響評価 皆川裕樹・増本隆夫 2012 水文・水資源学会研究発表会要旨集, 25(31)
気候変動がため池に及ぼす影響及び中長期的な適応策の検討に関する参考情報 農林水産省農村振興局農村環境課 2016


論文等の名称 執筆者名 発表年 掲載誌
A meta-analysis of crop yield under climate change and adaptation A. J. Challinor, J.Watson, D. B. Lobell, S. M. Howden, D. R. Smith, N. Chhetri 2014 Nature Climate Change, 4, p.287–291
A meta-analysis of the predicted effects of climate change on wheat yields using simulation studies Julia Wilcoxa, David Makowski 2014 Field Crops Research, 156, p.180-190
Agricultural drought hazard analysis during 1980–2008: a global perspective Guangpo Geng, Jianjun Wu, Qianfeng Wang, Tianjie Lei, Bin He, Xiaohan Li, Xinyu Mo, HuiYi Luo, Hongkui Zhou, Dachuan Liu 2015 International Journal of Climatology, 36(1), p.389-399
Agriculturally Relevant Climate Extremes and Their Trends in the World's Major Growing Regions Xiao Zhu, Tara J. Troy 2018 Earth's Future, 6(4), p. 656-672
Australian wheat production expected to decrease by the late 21st century Bin Wang, De L. Liu, Garry J. O'Leary, Senthold Asseng, Ian Macadam, Rebecca Lines‐Kelly, Xihua Yang, Anthony Clark, Jason Crean, Timothy Sides, Hongtao Xing, Chunrong Mi, Qiang Yu 2017 Global Change Biology, 24(6), p.2403-2415
Climate change impacts on global agricultural land availability Xiao Zhang, Ximing Cai 2011 Environmental Research Letters, 6(1), p.1-8
Climate change impacts on global agriculture Alvaro Calzadilla, Katrin Rehdanz, Richard Betts, Pete Falloon, Andy Wiltshire, Richard S. J. Tol 2013 Climatic Change, 120(1-2), p.357-374
Climate change influences on crop mix shifts in the United States Sung Ju Cho, Bruce A. McCarl 2017 Scientific Reports, 7, Article number: 40845
気温や降水量がダイズやトウモロコシの収量に与える影響のマップ化 櫻井玄・横沢正幸・飯泉仁之直 2011 Climate Research, 49(2), p.143-145
Climate trends account for stalled wheat yields in Australia since 1990 Zvi Hochman, David L. Gobbett, Heidi Horan 2017 Global Change Biology, 23(5), p.2071-2081
Climate Trends and Global Crop Production Since 1980 David B. Lobell, Wolfram Schlenker, Justin Costa-Roberts 2011 Science, 333(6042), p.616-620
Crop production losses associated with anthropogenic climate change for 1981–2010 compared with preindustrial levels Toshichika Iizumi, Hideo Shiogama, Yukiko Imada, Naota Hanasaki, Hiroki Takikawa, Motoki Nishimori 2018 International Journal of climatology
Crop yield response to climate change varies with crop spatial distribution pattern Guoyong Leng, Maoyi Huang 2017 Scientific Reports, 7, Article number: 1463
Estimated impacts of emission reductions on wheat and maize crops Claudia Tebaldi, David Lobell 2018 Climatic Change, 146(3-4), p.533-545
Estimation of potential changes in cereals production under climate change scenarios Kenichi Tatsumi, Yosuke Yamashiki, Roberto Valmir da Silva, Kaoru Takara, Yuzuru Matsuoka, Kiyoshi Takahashi, Koki Maruyama, Naoko Kawahara 2011 Hydrological Processes, 25(17), p.2715-2725
Evolution of rain and photoperiod limitations on the soybean growing season in Brazil: The rise (and possible fall) of double-cropping systems Gabriel M. Abrahão, Marcos H. Costa 2018 Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 256-257, p.32-45
Food security in Australia in an era of neoliberalism, productivism and climate change Geoffrey Lawrence, Carol Richards, Kristen Lyons 2013 Journal of Rural Studies, 29, p.30-39
Geographical patterns in climate and agricultural technology drive soybean productivity in Brazil Jordana Moura Caetano, Geiziane Tessarolo, Guilherme de Oliveira, Kelly da Silva e Souza, Jose Alexandre Felizola Diniz-Filho, João Carlos Nabout 2018 PLOS ONE, https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0191273
Getting caught with our plants down: the risks of a global crop yield slowdown from climate trends in the next two decades David B Lobell, Claudia Tebaldi 2014 Environmental Research Letters, 9(7)
Global crop exposure to critical high temperatures in the reproductive period: historical trends and future projections Sharon M Gourdji, Adam M Sibley, David B Lobell 2013 Environmental Research Letters, 8(1), p.1-10
Global crop yield response to extreme heat stress under multiple climate change futures Delphine Deryng, Declan Conway, Navin Ramankutty, Jeff Price, Rachel Warren 2014 Environmental Research Letters, 9(3), p.1-13
Global economic–biophysical assessment of midterm scenarios for agricultural markets—biofuel policies, dietary patterns, cropland expansion, and productivity growth Ruth Delzeit, Gernot Klepper, Florian Zabel, WolframMauser 2018 Environmental Research Letters, 13(2), 025003
Global patterns of crop yield stability under additional nutrient and water inputs Christoph Müller, Joshua Elliott, Thomas A. M. Pugh, Alex C. Ruane, Philippe Ciais, Juraj Balkovic, Delphine Deryng, Christian Folberth, R. Cesar Izaurralde, Curtis D. Jones, Nikolay Khabarov, Peter Lawrence, Wenfeng Liu, Ashwan D. Reddy, Erwin Schmid, Xuhui Wang 2018 PLOS ONE, https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0198748
Global vulnerability to agricultural drought and its spatial characteristics JianJun Wu, GuangPo Geng, HongKui Zhou, JingHui Liu, QianFeng Wang, JianHua Yang 2017 Science China Earth Sciences, 60(5), p.910-920
Impact of progressive global warming on the global-scale yield of maize and soybean Gillian Rose, Tom Osborne, Helen Greatrex, Tim Wheeler 2016 Climatic Change, 134(3), p.418-428
Integrating Plant Science and Crop Modeling: Assessment of the Impact of Climate Change on Soybean and Maize Production Na´ndor Fodor, Andrew Challinor, Ioannis Droutsas, Julian Ramirez-Villegas, Florian Zabel, Ann-Kristin Koehler, Christine H. Foyer 2017 Plant Cell Physiol, 58(11), p. 1833-1847
Interactions between temperature and drought in global and regional crop yield variability during 1961-2014 Michael Matiu, Donna P. Ankerst, Annette Menze 2017 PLoS One, 12(5)
Modeling the effect of a heatwave on maize production in the USA and its implications on food security in the developing world Uran Chung, Sika Gbegbelegbe, Bekele Shiferaw, Richard Robertson, Jin I.Yun, Kindie Tesfaye, Gerrit Hoogenboom, Kai Sonder 2014 Weather and Climate Extremes, 5-6, p.67-77
Modelling soybean yield responses to seeding date under projected climate change scenarios Q. Jing, T. Huffman, J. Shang, J. Liu, E. Pattey, M. Morrison, G. Jégo, B. Qian 2017 Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 97(6), p.1152-1164
Postharvest agriculture in changing climates: its importance to African smallholder farmers Tanya Stathers, Richard Lamboll, Brighton M. Mvumi 2013 Food Security, 5(3), p. 361-392
Projected climate impacts to South African maize and wheat production in 2055: a comparison of empirical and mechanistic modeling approaches Lyndon D. Estes, Hein Beukes, Bethany A. Bradley, Stephanie R. Debats, Michael Oppenheimer, Alex C. Ruane, Roland Schulze, Mark Tadross 2013 Global Change Biology, 19(12), p.3762-3774
Projecting yield changes of spring wheat under future climate scenarios on the Canadian Prairies Budong Qian, Reinder De Jong, Ted Huffman, Hong Wang, Jingyi Yang 2016 Theoretical and applied climatology, 123(3-4), p.651-669
Regional disparities in the CO2 fertilization effect and implications for crop yields Justin M McGrath, David B Lobell 2013 Environmental Research Letters, 8(2), p.1-9
Review of the responses to food production shocks Dr Aled Jones, Dr Bradley Hiller 2014.2015 workshop discussions held at Willis Tower, Chicago in October 2014 and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, London in February 2015 
Rewiring food systems to enhance human health and biosphere stewardship Line J Gordon, Victoria Bignet, Beatrice Crona, Patrik J G Henriksson, Tracy Van Holt, Malin Jonell, Therese Lindahl, Max Troell, Stephan Barthel, Lisa Deutsch 2017 Environmental Research Letters, 12(10), 100201
Simulated vs. empirical weather responsiveness of crop yields: US evidence and implications for the agricultural impacts of climate change Malcolm N Mistry, Ian Sue Wing, Enrica De Cian 2017 Environmental Research Letters, 12(7), 075007
Spatially Distinct Response of Rice Yield to Autonomous Adaptation Under the CMIP5 Multi-Model Projections Yonghee Shin, Eun-Jeong Lee, Eun-Soon Im, Il-Won Jung 2017 Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 53(1), p.21-30
Temperature increase reduces global yields of major crops in four independent estimates Chuang Zhao, Bing Liu, Shilong Piao, Xuhui Wang, David B. Lobell, Yao Huang, Mengtian Huang, Yitong Yao, Simona Bassu, Philippe Ciais, Jean-Louis Durand, Joshua Elliott, Frank Ewert, Ivan A. Janssens, Tao Li, Erda Lin, Qiang Liu, Pierre Martre, Christoph Müller, Shushi Peng, Josep Peñuelas, Alex C. Ruane, Daniel Wallach, Tao Wang, Donghai Wu, Zhuo Liu, Yan Zhu, Zaichun Zhu, and Senthold Asseng 2017 PNAS, 114(35), p. 9326-9331
The combined and separate impacts of climate extremes on the current and future US rainfed maize and soybean production under elevated CO2 Zhenong Jin, Qianlai Zhuang, Jiali Wang, Sotirios V. Archontoulis, Zachary Zobel, Veerabhadra R. Kotamarthi 2017 Global Change Biology, 23(7), p.2687-2704
The Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: from 25 years of inaction to a global transformation for public health Nick Watts, Markus Amann, Sonja Ayeb-Karlsson, Kristine Belesova, Timothy Bouley, et.al. 2018  www.thelancet.com
Trends in wheat yields under representative climate futures: Implications for climate adaptation Chris Taylor, Brendan Cullen, Michael D'Occhio, Lauren Rickards, Richard Eckard 2018 Agricultural Systems, 164, p.1-10
気候変化による作物収量変化を通じたマクロ経済への影響 藤森真一郎・飯泉仁之直・長谷川知子・高倉潤也・高橋潔・肱岡靖明・増井利彦 2017 土木学会論文集G(環境), 73(5), pp.I_397-I_405
地球観測衛星による グローバルな農業気象監視 大吉 慶・金子 豊・祖父江 真一 2018 ARDEC6号
土地利用変化によるCO2排出と木質系バイオ燃料の潜在性評価のための世界主要穀物需要のモデル開発 前田 衛孝・森 俊介・時松 宏治 2014  環境情報科学 学術研究論文集, 28, p. 101-106 
GCMの不確実性を考慮した気候変動がコムギとトウモロコシの生産量に与える影響評価 辰己 賢一・山敷 庸亮・寶 馨 2012 土木学会論文集G(環境)68(5) p. I_221-I_226 
気候変動による農産物貿易への影響と食料安全保障に関する分析 吉永 健治 2011 国際地域学研究, 14, p. 51-74
Changes in yield variability of major crops for 1981–2010 explained by climate change Toshichika Iizumi and Navin Ramankutty 2016 Environmental Research Letters, 11, p.1-11
Assessing agricultural risks of climate change in the 21st century in a global gridded crop model intercomparison Cynthia Rosenzweig, Joshua Elliott, Delphine Deryng, Alex C. Ruane, Christoph Müller, Almut Arneth, Kenneth J. Boote, Christian Folberth, Michael Glotter, Nikolay Khabarov, Kathleen Neumann, Franziska Piontek, Thomas A. M. Pugh, Erwin Schmid, Elke Stehfest, Hong Yang, James W. Jones 2014 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 111(9), p.3268-3273
Climate variation explains a third of global crop yield variability Deepak K. Ray, James S. Gerber, Graham K. MacDonald, Paul C. West 2015 Nature Communications, 6, Article number: 5989
Lengthening of the growing season in wheat and maize producing regions Brigitte Mueller, Mathias Hauser, Carley Iles, Ruksana Haque Rimi, Francis W. Zwiers, Hui Wan 2015 Weather and Climate Extremes, 9, p.47-56
Using climate model simulations to assess the current climate risk to maize production Chris Kent, Edward Pope, Vikki Thompson, Kirsty Lewis, Adam A Scaife, Nick Dunstone 2017 Environmental Research Letters, 12(5), 054012
Rising temperatures reduce global wheat production S. Asseng et al. 2015 Nature Climate Change, 5, p.143–147
 高品質な国産小麦の研究開発動向. 科学技術動向 金間 大介・鷲見 芳彦 2011 科学技術動向, 2011 年7・8 月号


論文等の名称 執筆者名 発表年 掲載誌
 プロセスモデルを利用した九州のスギ林生産力のマップ化 鳥山淳平・橋本昌司・清水貴範・澤野真治・大曽根陽子・Lehtonen Aleksi 2018 九州森林研究, 71, p. 33-37
2009年台風18号により天竜ヒノキ林で発生した風倒木の樹冠内風速分布と力学耐性 喜多川権士・水永博己・上村佳奈・齋藤哲 2010 第121回日本森林学会大会, Pa1-06
Analysis of wind damage caused by multiple tropical storm events in Japanese Cryptomeria japonica forests.  Kana Kamimura, Satoshi Saito, Hiroko Kinoshita, Kenji Kitagawa, Takanori Uchida, Hiromi Mizunaga 2013 Forestry An International Journal of Forest Research, 86(4), p. 411–420
Extending effect of a wind disturbance: mortality of Abies sachalinensis following a strong typhoon in a natural mixed forest Tsuyoshi Sato, Haruka Yamazaki, Toshiya Yoshida 2017 Journal of Forest Research, 22(6), pp.336-342
Phellinus noxius causes brown root rot on four important conifer species in Japan Norio Sahashi, Mitsuteru Akiba, Shuhei Takemoto, Toshiro Yokoi, Yuko Ota, Natsumi Kanzaki 2014 European Journal of Plant Pathology, 140(4), p.869-873
Pine wilt in response to meteorological hazardous events during the climate change in China and Japan Fei Wang, Jiquan Zhang 2015 Natural Hazards, 77(3), p.1785-1798
Potential distribution of pine wilt disease under future climate change scenarios Akiko Hirata, Katsunori Nakamura, Katsuhiro Nakao, Yuji Kominami, Nobuyuki Tanaka, Haruka Ohashi, Kohei Takenaka Takano, Wataru Takeuchi, Tetsuya Matsui 2017 PLOS ONE, https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0182837
Root anchorage of hinoki (Chamaecyparis obtuse (Sieb. Et Zucc.) Endl.) under the combined loading of wind and rapidly supplied water on soil: analyses based on tree-pulling experiments K. Kamimura, K. Kitagawa, S. Saito, H. Mizunaga 2012 European Journal of Forest Research,  131(1),  pp 219–227
Vertical and seasonal variations in temperature responses of leaf respiration in a Chamaecyparis obtusa canopy Masatake G. Araki, Koichiro Gyokusen, Takuya Kajimoto 2017 Tree Physiol, 37, p. 1269-1284
Wind profiles and mechanical resistance of uprooted trees in a Japanese cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa) plantation slightly damaged by Typhoon Melor 0918 at Kamiatago Experimental Forest, Tenryu, Japan : Validity of mechanistic models for wind damage risks Kenji Kitagawa, Kana Kamimura, Satoshi Saito, Takanoh Uchida, Hiromi Mizunaga 2010 Japanese Journal of Forest Environment, 52(2), p. 57-66
スギ成木および実生におけるアーバスキュラー菌根菌の感染率の季節変化 畑邦彦・木本遼太郎・曽根晃一 2018 日本森林学会誌, 100(1), p.3-7
茨城県のスギ人工林における林分蒸散量に及ぼす飽差と土壌水分条件の影響 荒木眞岳・釣田竜也・阪田匡司・齊藤哲 2018 関東森林研究, 69-1, p. 67-68
斜面傾斜地における根系分布の偏りがスギの引き倒し試験に与える影響 茅島信行 ・佐々木重行 2010 森林立地学会誌 森林立地, 52(2), p. 49-55
造林施業と風害発生の関係について 喜多川権士・齊藤哲・水永博己 2011 第122回日本森林学会大会, H27
台風をイメージした樹木引き倒し実験による根返り抵抗性評価 砂岡 勇輝・水永 博己・喜多川 権士・齊藤 哲・上村 佳奈・矢澤 速仁・梶川 泰知・飯塚 嵩明・新津 靖 2011 第122回日本森林学会大会, Pa1-42
Evaluating the Effects of Climate Change on the Potential Site Productivity of Sugi (Cryptomeria japonica) Planted Forests in Kyushu Island, Japan Yasushi Mitsuda 2018 Journal of Forest Planning, 22(2), p.47-53
Long-term chamber measurements reveal strong impacts of soil temperature on seasonal and inter-annual variation in understory CO2 fluxes in a Japanese larch (Larix kaempferi Sarg.) forest Teramoto M., Liang N., Zeng J., Saigusa N., Takahashi Y. 2017 Agricultural and Forest Meteorology


論文等の名称 執筆者名 発表年 掲載誌
 A review on the early life history and ecology of Japanese sea bass and implication for recruitment Md. Shahidul Islam, Yoh Yamashita, Masaru Tanaka 2011 Environmental Biology of Fishes, 91(4), pp 389–405
 Impacts of climatic and marine environmental variations on the spatial distribution of Ommastrephes bartramii in the Northwest Pacific Ocean Wei Yu, Xinjun Chen Email author, Qian Yi, Guoping Gao, Yong Chen 2016  Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 35(3),  pp 108–116
 Interannual changes in the timing of walleye pollock spawning migration and their impacts on the gillnet fishery in the southwestern Pacific coast of Hokkaido, Donan area, Japan Osamu Shida, Yukio Mihara, Takashi Mutoh, Kazushi Miyashita 2014 Fisheries Science, 80(2), pp 173–179
20th Century variability of Atlantic Meridional overturning circulation: Planetary wave influences on world ocean surface phosphate utilization and synchrony of small pelagic fisheries Daniel Kamykowski 2012 Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 65, p.85-99
Adaptation to climate-change effects on fisheries in the Shiretoko World Natural Heritage area, Japan Mitsutaku Makino1, Yasunori Sakurai 2012  ICES Journal of Marine Science, 69(7), p. 1134–1140
Changes in abundance of the neon flying squid Ommastrephes bartramii in relation to climate change in the central North Pacific Ocean Taro Ichii, Kedarnath Mahapatra, Mitsuo Sakai, Toshie Wakabayashi,
Hiroshi Okamura, Hiromichi Igarashi, Denzo Inagake, Yoshihiro Okada
2011 Marine Ecology Progress Series, 441, p. 151-164
Comparison of fluctuations in fish communities and trophic structures of ecosystems from three currents around Japan: synchronies and differences Yongjun Tian, Kazuhisa Uchikawa, Yuji Ueda, Jiahua Cheng 2014 ICES Journal of Marine Science, 71(1), p.19–34
Distribution, growth and mortality of larval jack mackerel Trachurus japonicus in the southern East China Sea in relation to oceanographic conditions Chiyuki Sassa, Motomitsu Takahashi, Kou Nishiuchi, Youichi Tsukamoto 2014 Journal of Plankton Research, 36(2), p.542–556
Escape responses of the Japanese anchovy Engraulis japonicus under elevated temperature and CO2 conditions Nopparat Nasuchon, Mitsuharu Yagi, Yuuki Kawabata,  Kunshan Gao, Atsushi Ishimatsu 2016  Fisheries Science, 82(3), pp 435–444
Forecasting the stock size of the autumn cohort of Japanese common squid (Todarodes pacificus) based on the abundance of trawl-caught juveniles Hideaki Kidokoro, Takafumi Shikata and Shinsuke Kitagawa 2014 Hidrobiológica, 24(1), p.23-31
Future projected impacts of ocean warming to potential squid habitat in western and central North Pacific Irene D. Alabia, Sei-Ichi Saitoh, Hiromichi Igarashi, Yoichi Ishikawa, Norihisa Usui, Masafumi Kamachi, Toshiyuki Awaji, Masaki Seito 2016 ICES Journal of Marine Science, 73(5), p. 1343–1356
High temperatures may halve the lifespan of the Japanese flying squid, Todarodes pacificus Hideo Takahara, Hideaki Kidokoro, Yasunori Sakurai 2017 Journal of Natural History, 51(43-44)
Impact of a climate regime shift on the migration of Japanese common squid (Todarodes pacificus) in the Sea of Japan Hideaki Kidokoro, Tsuneo Goto, Toru Nagasawa, Hiroshi Nishida, Tatsuro Akamine, and Yasunori Sakurai 2010 ICES Journal of Marine Science, 67, (7), p.1314-1322
Impacts of climate change on fisheries and aquaculture
Chapter4:Projected changes in global and national potential marine fisheries catch under climate change scenarios in the twenty-first century
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 2018
Impacts of climate change on fisheries and aquaculture
Chapter6:Climate change impacts, vulnerabilities and adaptations: North Pacific and Pacific Arctic marine fisheries
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 2018
Impacts of environmental variability and global warming scenario on Pacific bluefin tuna (Thunnus orientalis) spawning grounds and recruitment habitat Shingo Kimura, Yoshiki Kato, Takashi Kitagawa, Naoki Yamaoka 2010 Progress in Oceanography, 86(1-2), p.39–44
Impacts of extensive driftnet fishery and late 1990s climate regime shift on dominant epipelagic nekton in the Transition Region and Subtropical Frontal Zone: Implications for fishery management T. Ichii, H. Nishikawa, H. Igarashi, H. Okamura, K. Mahapatra, M. Sakai, T. Wakabayashi, D. Inagake, Y. Okada 2017 Progress in Oceanography, 150, p.35-47
Influence of climate-driven sea surface temperature increase on potential habitats of the Pacific saury (Cololabis saira) Chen-Te Tseng, Chi-Lu Sun, Su-Zan Yeh, Shih-Chin Chen, Wei-Cheng Su, Don-Chung Liu 2010 ICES Journal of Marine Science, 68(6), p.1105–1113.
Interdecadal decrease in potential fishing areas for Pacific saury off the southeastern coast of Hokkaido, Japan Hiroshi Kuroda, Katsumi Yokouchi 2017 Fisheries Oceanography, 26(4), p.439-454
Japanese and Taiwanese pelagic longline fleet dynamics and the impacts of climate change in the southern Indian Ocean P.E. Michael, C. Wilcox, G.N. Tuck, A.J. Hobday, P.G. Strutton 2017 Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 140, p. 242-250
Life cycle ecophysiology of small pelagic fish and climate-driven changes in populations Myron A. Peck, Patricia Reglero, Motomitsu Takahashi, Ignacio A. Catalán 2013 Progress in Oceanography, 116, p.220–245
Long-term change in the distribution of Japanese sardine in the Sea of Japan during population fluctuations Soyoka Muko, Seiji Ohshimo, Hiroyuki Kurota, Tohya Yasuda, Masa-Aki Fukuwaka 2018 Marine Ecology Progress Series, 593, pp.141-254
Long-term climate-related changes in somatic growth and population dynamics of Hokkaido chum salmon Hyunju Seo, Hideaki Kudo, Masahide Kaeriyama 2011  Environmental Biology of Fishes, 90(2), pp 131–142
Modelling ecological responses of Pacific saury (Cololabis saira) to future climate change and its uncertainty Shin-ichi Ito, Takeshi Okunishi, Michio J. Kishi, Muyin Wang 2013 ICES Journal of Marine Science, 70(5), p.980–990
Pacific salmon abundance trends and climate change James R. Irvine 1, Masa-aki Fukuwaka 2011 ICES Journal of Marine Science, 68(6), p. 1122–1130
Regional differences in climate factors controlling chum and pink salmon abundance Masa-aki Fukuwaka, Toshiki Kaga, Tomonori Azumaya 2011  ICES Journal of Marine Science, 68(6), p. 1131–1137
Relationship between coastal water properties and adult return of chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) along the Sanriku coast, Japan Taku Wagawa, Tsuyoshi Tamate, Hiroshi Kuroda, Shin‐Ichi Ito, Shigeho Kakehi, Takeshi Yamanome, Takuya Kodama. 2016 Fisheries Oceanography, 25(6), p. 598-609.
Simulation of the impact of climate change on the egg and larval transport of Japanese anchovy (Engraulis japonicus) off Kyushu Island, the western coast of Japan Aigo Takeshige, Yoichi Miyake, Hideaki Nakata, Takashi Kitagawa, Shingo Kimura 2015 Fisheries Oceanography, 24(5), p.445-462
Synchrony in the abundance trend of spear squid Loligo bleekeri in the Japan Sea and the Pacific Ocean with special reference to the latitudinal differences in response to the climate regime shift Yongjun Tian, Kazuya Nashida, Hideo Sakaji 2013 ICES Journal of Marine Science, 70(5), p.968–979
Temperature-dependent variation in alternative migratory tactics and its implications for fitness and population dynamics in a salmonid fish Kentaro Morita, Tsuyoshi Tamate, Mari Kuroki, Toru Nagasawa 2014 Journal of Animal Ecology, 83(6), p.1268–1278
The relative influence of temperature and size‐structure on fish distribution shifts: A case‐study on Walleye pollock in the Bering Sea James T Thorson, James N Ianelli, Stan Kotwicki 2017 Fish and Fisheries, 18(6), p. 1073-1084
Walleye pollock: global overview Oleg A. Bulatov 2014 Fisheries Science, 80(2), pp 109–116
水温に左右されるサケ科魚類の生活~地球温暖化の影響を考えるために~ 森田 健太郎 2015 SALMON情報, 9, p.3-11
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衛星リモートセンシングで海洋空間を知る 齊藤誠一 2017  情報管理, 60(9), p.641-650
近年の気候変動が北海道水産業に与える影響~近年の事例を基にして~ 堀江 岳人・田中 仁 2016 東北地域災害科学研究, 52, p. 157-162
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北海道オホーツク海沿岸におけるスルメイカの漁獲量の予測方法 坂口健司・山下紀生 2015 水産海洋研究, 79(2), p.43–51
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Climate change is projected to reduce carrying capacity and redistribute species richness in North Pacific pelagic marine ecosystems Phoebe A. Woodworth-Jefcoats, Jeffrey J. Polovina, Jeffrey C. Drazen 2017 Global Change Biology, 23, p. 1000–1008
Effects of long-term exposure to ocean acidification conditions on future southern Tanner crab (Chionoecetes bairdi) fisheries management Andre´ E. Punt, Robert J. Foy, Michael G. Dalton, W. Christopher Long, Katherine M. Swiney 2016 ICES Journal of Marine Science, 73(3), p. 849–864
Institutional and Economic Analysis of Japanese Fisheries Management and Its Expansion into Marine Ecosystem Conservation Mitsutaku Makino 2017 AGri-Bioscience Monographs, 7(1), pp. 1–24
Interannual variations in distribution and abundance of Japanese jack mackerel Trachurus japonicus larvae in the East China Sea Chiyuki Sassa, Motomitsu Takahashi, Yoshinobu Konishi, Youichi Tsukamoto 2016 ICES Journal of Marine Science, 73(4), p.1170–1185
Lagged social-ecological responses to climate and range shifts in fisheries Malin L. Pinsky, Michael Fogarty 2012 Climatic Change, 115, p. 883–891
Regional-scale surface temperature variability allows prediction of Pacific bluefin tuna recruitment Barbara A. Muhling, Desiree Tommasi, Seiji Ohshimo, Michael A. Alexander, Gerard DiNardo 2018 ICES Journal of Marine Science, 75(4), p.1341–1352
Climate change and interspecific interactions drive species alternations between anchovy and sardine in the western North Pacific: Detection of causality by convergent cross mapping Shin-Ichiro Nakayama, Akinori Takasuka, Momoko Ichinokawa, Hiroshi Okamura 2017 Fisheries Oceanography, 27(4), p.312-322
Environmental Variability and Chum Salmon Production at the Northwestern Pacific Ocean Suam Kim, Sukyung Kang, Ju Kyoung Kim, Minkyoung Bang 2017 Ocean Science Journal, 52(4), p.549-562
Projections of climate-driven changes in tuna vertical habitat based on species-specific differences in blood oxygen affinity K. A. S. Mislan, Curtis A. Deutsch, Richard W. Brill, John P. Dunne, Jorge L. Sarmiento 2017 Global Change Biology, 23(10), p.4019-4028
Horizontal distribution and habitat of Pacific bluefin tuna, Thunnus orientalis, larvae in the waters around Japan Seiji Ohshimo, Atsushi Tawa, Tomoko Ota, Satoru Nishimoto, Taiki Ishihara, Mikio Watai, Keisuke Satoh, Toshiyuki Tanabe, Osamu Abe 2017 Bulletin of Marine Science, 93(3), p.769–787
Environmental conditions are important influences on the recruitment of North Pacific albacore tuna, Thunnus alalunga SINGH, A. A., SAKURAMOTO, K., SUZUKI, N., ROSHNI, S., NATH, P., KALLA, A 2017 Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 15(1), p.299-319
Predicting the catch potential of skipjack tuna in the western and central pacific ocean under different climate change scenarios Kuo-Wei Yen, Nan-Jay Su, Tooreka Teemari, Min-An Lee, Hsueh-Jung Lu 2016 Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 24(6), p.1053-1062
Food security or economic profitability? Projecting the effects of climate and socioeconomic changes on global skipjack tuna fisheries under three management strategies Sibylle Dueri, Patrice Guillotreau, Ramón Jiménez-Toribio, Ricardo Oliveros-Ramos, Laurent Bopp, Olivier Maury 2016 Global Environmental Change, 41, p.1-12
Elucidating the potential squid habitat responses in the central North Pacific to the recent ENSO flavors Irene D. Alabia, Sei-Ichi Saitoh, Toru Hirawake, Hiromichi Igarashi, Yoichi Ishikawa, Norihisa Usui, Masafumi Kamachi, Toshiyuki Awaji, Masaki Seito 2016 Hydrobiologia, 772(1), p.215-227
Potential habitat for chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) in the Western Arctic based on a bioenergetics model coupled with a three-dimensional lower trophic ecosystem model Seokjin Yoon, Eiji Watanabe, Hiromichi Ueno, Michio J. Kishi 2015 Progress in Oceanography, 131, p.146-158
Modelling the impact of climate change on Pacific skipjack tuna population and fisheries Patrick Lehodey, Inna Senina, Beatriz Calmettes, John Hampton, Simon Nicol 2013 Climatic Change, 119(1), p.95-109
Predicting climate effects on Pacific sardine Ethan R. Deylea, Michael Fogarty, Chih-hao Hsieh, Les Kaufman, Alec D. MacCall, Stephan B. Munch, Charles T. Perretti, Hao Ye, George Sugihara 2013 Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the United States of America, 110(16), p.6430-6435
Abiotic and biotic factors affecting recruitment variability of walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) off the Pacific coast of Hokkaido, Japan Tetsuichiro Funamoto, Orio Yamamura, Tokihiro Kono, Tomonori Hamatsu, Akira Nishimura 2013 Fisheries Oceanography, 22(3), p.193-206
Potential climate change impacts on thermal habitats of Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) in the North Pacific Ocean and adjacent seas Omar I. Abdul-Aziz, Nathan J. Mantua, Katherine W. Myers 2011 Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 68(9), p.1660-1680
Causes of walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) recruitment decline in the northern Sea of Japan: implications for stock management Tetsuichiro Funamoto 2011 Fisheries Oceanography, 20(2), p.95-103
Preliminary forecasts of Pacific bigeye tuna population trends under the A2 IPCC scenario P. Lehodey, I. Senina, J. Sibert, L. Bopp, B. Calmettes, J. Hampton, R. Murtugudde 2010 Progress in Oceanography, 86(1-2), p.302-315
Life cycle ecophysiology of small pelagic fish and climate-driven changes in populations Myron A. Peck, Patricia Reglero, Motomitsu Takahashi, Ignacio A. Catalán 2013 Progress in Oceanography, 116, p.220-245
Multidecadal, centennial, and millennial variability in sardine and anchovy abundances in the western North Pacific and climate–fish linkages during the late Holocene Michinobu Kuwae, Masanobu Yamamoto, Takuya Sagawa, Ken Ikehara, Tomohisa Irino, Keiji Takemura, Hidetaka Takeoka, Takashige Sugimoto 2017 Progress in Oceanography, 159, p.86-98
Effects of climate on temporal variation in the abundance and distribution of the demersal fish assemblage in the Tsushima Warm Current region of the Japan Sea Chen‐Yi Tu, Yongjun Tian, Chih‐Hao Hsieh 2015 Fisheries Oceanography, 24(2), p.177-189
Seasonal potential fishing ground prediction of neon flying squid (Ommastrephes bartramii) in the western and central North Pacific Irene D. Alabia, Sei‐Ichi Saitoh, Robinson Mugo, Hiromichi Igarashi, Yoichi Ishikawa, Norihisa Usui, Masafumi Kamachi, Toshiyuki Awaji, Masaki Seito 2015 Fisheries Oceanography, 24(2), p.190-203
Relationship between coastal water properties and adult return of chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) along the Sanriku coast, Japan Taku Wagawa, Tsuyoshi Tamate, Hiroshi Kuroda, Shin‐Ichi Ito, Shigeho Kakehi, Takeshi Yamanome, Takuya Kodama 2016 Fisheries Oceanography, 25(6), p.598-609
Fishing ground hotspots reveal long-term variation in chub mackerel Scomber japonicus habitat in the East China Sea Tohya Yasuda, Ryuji Yukami, Seiji Ohshimo 2014 Marine Ecology Progress Series, 501, p. 239-250
Large benefits to marine fisheries of meeting the 1.5℃ global warming target William W. L. Cheung, Gabriel Reygondeau, Thomas L. Frölicher 2016 Science, 354(6319), p.1591-1594


論文等の名称 執筆者名 発表年 掲載誌
北海道沿岸各海域におけるエゾアワビの資源量変動に及ぼす気候変動の影響 干川 裕河村 知彦 2017 日本水産学会誌, 83(3), p. 373-384
2012年伊万里湾で発生した有害渦鞭毛藻Karenia mikimotoi 赤潮の環境特性と養殖トラフグの大量斃死 山砥稔文・石田直也・平江想・杉原志貴・鎌田正幸・西山嘉乃・青木一弘 2016 藻類, 64, p.94-101
2014年に神奈川県沿岸で漁獲されたアイゴの体長組成と体成分変化 臼井一茂・櫻井繁・田村怜子 2017 神奈川水産技術センター研究報告第8号
Area-specific temporal changes of species composition and species-specific range shifts in rocky-shore mollusks associated with warming Kuroshio Current Takeo Kurihara, Hideki Takami, Takeharu Kosuge, Susumu Chiba, Masatsugu Iseda, Takenori Sasaki 2011 Marine Biology, 158, p.2095-2107
Drifting algae and fish: Implications of tropical Sargassum invasion due to ocean warming in western Japan Mami Yamasaki, Mikina Aono, Naoto Ogawa, Koichiro Tanaka, Zenji Imoto, Yohei Nakamura 2014 Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 147, p.32-41
Economic Costs of Ocean Acidification: A Look into the Impacts on Shellfish Production Daiju Narita, Katrin Rehdanz, Richard S.J. Tol 2012 Climatic Change, 113(3-4), p.1049-1063
Effect of increased seawater temperature on biomass, growth, and maturation of Saccharina japonica near its southern limit in northern Japan Xu Gao, Hikaru Endo, Yukio Agatsuma 2015 Journal of Applied Phycology, 27(3), p.1263-1270
Effects of a tropical cyclone on the distribution of hatchery-reared black-spot tuskfish Choerodon schoenleinii determined by acoustic telemetry Y. Kawabata, J. Okuyama, K. Asami, K. Okuzawa, K. Yoseda, N. Arai 2010 Journal of Fish Biology, 77(3), p.627–642
Effects of temperature, salinity and their interaction on growth of Japanese Gambierdiscus spp. (Dinophyceae) Takamichi Yoshimatsu, Haruo Yamaguchi, Haruka Iwamoto, Tomohiro Nishimura, Masao Adachi 2014 Harmful Algae, 35, p.29-37
Fish response to expanding tropical Sargassum beds on the temperate coasts of Japan Yuichiro Terazono, Yohei Nakamura, Zenji Imoto, Masanori Hiraoka 2015 Marine Ecology Progress series, 464, p. 209-220.
Growth and survival of juvenile sporophytes of the kelp Ecklonia cava in response to different nitrogen and temperature regimes Xu Gao, Hikaru Endo, Michiko Nagaki, Yukio Agatsuma 2016 Fisheries Science, 82(4), pp 623–629
High water temperature impairs ovarian activity and gene expression in the brain–pituitary–gonadal axis in female red seabream during the spawning season Koichi Okuzawa, Koichiro Gen 2013 General and Comparative Endocrinology, 194, p.24-30
Implications of marine environment change on Japanese scallop (Mizuhopecten yessoensis) aquaculture suitability: a comparative study in Funka and Mutsu Bays, Japan Christopher Mulanda Aura, Sei‐Ichi Saitoh, Yang Liu, Toru Hirawake, Katsuhisa Baba, Tooru Yoshida 2014 Aquaculture Research, 47(7), p.2164-2182
Ocean currents and herbivory drive macroalgae-to-coral community shift under climate warming Naoki H. Kumagai, Jorge García Molinos, Hiroya Yamano, Shintaro Takao, Masahiko Fujii, Yasuhiro Yamanaka 2018 PNAS, 115(36), p. 8990-8995
Possible effects of global warming on fish recruitment: shifts in spawning season and latitudinal distribution can alter growth of fish early life stages through changes in daylength Jun Shoji, Shun-ichi Toshito, Ken-ichiro Mizuno, Yasuhiro Kamimura, Masakazu Hori, Koji Hirakawa 2011 ICES Journal of Marine Science, 68(6), p.1165–1169
Projecting the impacts of rising seawater temperatures on the distribution of seaweeds around Japan under multiple climate change scenarios Shintaro Takao, Naoki H. Kumagai, Hiroya Yamano, Masahiko Fujii and Yasuhiro Yamanaka 2014 Ecology and Evolution, 5(1), p.213–223
Some operational uses of satellite remote sensing and marine GIS for sustainable fisheries and aquaculture Sei-Ichi Saitoh, Robinson Mugo, I Nyoman Radiarta, Shinsuke Asaga, Fumihiro Takahashi, Toru Hirawake, Yoichi Ishikawa, Toshiyuki Awaji, Teiji In, Shigeki Shima 2011  ICES Journal of Marine Science, 68(4), P. 687–695
The effect of irradiance and temperature on the photosynthesis of two agarophytes Gelidium elegans and Pterocladiella tenuis (Gelidiales) from Kagoshima, Japan Midori Fujimoto, Gregory N. Nishihara, Ryuta Terada 2014 Fisheries Science, 80(4), pp 695–703
Upstream migration mechanisms of juvenile temperate sea bass Lateolabrax japonicus in the stratified Yura River estuary Taiki Fuji, Akihide Kasai, Yoh Yamashita 2018 Fisheries Science, 84(1), pp.163–172
アワビ類の生態と資源変動要因 高見秀輝・清本節夫・鬼塚年弘・浜口昌巳・干川裕・河村知彦 2018 アワビ類の資源生態に基づく資源管理・増殖, p.40-67
アワビ類漁業と資源管理・増殖の現状 鴨志田正晃・西洞孝広・大橋智志・三輪理・堀井豊充・平川直人・中丸徹 2018 アワビ類の資源生態に基づく資源管理・増殖, p.1-39
オゴノリ類5種の発芽体の生育に及ぼす温度、光量、塩分の影響 馬場 将輔 2018 海生研研報, 23, p.1-17
長崎県橘湾の転石海岸におけるムラサキウニの個体群変動、特に台風が及ぼす影響について 清水節夫 2011 日本ベントス学会誌, 66(1), p.48-60
ニジマス卵生産に対する温暖化の影響 山本 聡・小川 滋・川之辺 素一・近藤 博文・新海 孝昌・横山 隆雄・山崎 正幸 2015 長野県水産試験場研究報告, 16, p.1-4
ミトコンドリアDNA の塩基配列から推測した日本産ニシンの集団構造と個体群動態史 藤田智也・北田修一原田靖子・石田ゆきの・佐野祥子・大場沙織・菅谷琢磨・浜崎活幸・岸野洋久 2017 日本水産学会誌, 83(2), p.163-173
岡山県沿岸海域で発生した渦鞭毛藻Akashiwo sanguineaの増殖等が栄養塩濃度低下に及ぼす影響 山下泰司 2017 岡山県農林水産総合センター水産研究所報告, 32, pp.1-5
温暖化に関する藻類養殖試験について 河野芳巳 2017 水研センターだより, 9
河川生態系における水域ネットワーク再生手法の整理:日本における現状と課題 石山 信雄・永山 滋也・岩瀬 晴夫・赤坂 卓美・中村 太士 2017 応用生態工学 19(2), p.143-164
海藻類の生育と温度との関係 馬場将輔 2014 海生研ニュース, 124, p.3-4
高水温条件下の藻場と暖海系アワビ類の変遷―暖海系アワビ類に対する海水温上昇の影響について― 清本 節夫 2016 豊かな海, 38, p.53-56
鹿児島湾桜島におけるホンダワラ属(ヒバマタ目)藻類4 種、マメタワラ、ヤツマタモク、ブクロモク、キレバモクの季節的消長と生育環境 土屋勇太郎・坂口欣也・寺田竜太 2011 藻類 The Japanese Journal of Phycology (Sôrui), 59, p. 1-8
新たな資源管理・増殖に向けた方策の提言 堀井豊充・干川裕・井本有治・鴨志田正晃・河村知彦 2018 アワビ類の資源生態に基づく資源管理・増殖, p.68-85
水温環境の異なる2つの生育地のカジメ群落における現存量、密度、年齢組成の比較 芹澤如比古・秋野秀樹・松山和世・大野正夫・田中次郎・横浜康継 2001 SUISANZOSHOKU 49(1), p. 9-14
瀬戸内海の環境の30年間の変化― 水産の環境モニタリング "浅海定線観測調査"のとりまとめ― 樽谷賢治 2007 日本ベントス学会誌, 62, p. 52-56
大分県中津干潟における地温とアサリ着底稚貝個体数の変動特性 梶原直人・手塚尚明・浜口昌巳 2017 水産工学, 53(3), p.149-157
中国地方一級河川における河川水温変動特性 赤松 良久・河野 誉仁・乾 隆帝・宮本 仁志 2017 土木学会論文集B1(水工学), 73(4), p.I_1207-I_1212
長崎県西彼杵半島西岸におけるホンダワラ属3種の季節的消長 八谷光介・清本節夫・吉村 拓 2011 The Japanese Journal of Phycology (Sôrui), 59, p. 139-144
平成25年夏季~秋季の高水温の特徴とホタテガイへの影響 吉田達 2014 青森県水産研究情報 水と漁, 15, p.7-10
有害有毒プランクトンの発生機構と発生防除に関する研究 今井一郎 2017 日本水産学会誌, 83(3), p.314-324
陸奥湾ホタテガイ高水温被害対策専門家委員会第1次報告書 陸奥湾ホタテガイ被害対策専門家委員会 2011 -
宮崎県南部串間市沿岸のホンダワラ藻場の変遷 荒武久道・清水博・渡辺耕平・吉田吾郎 2007 宮崎水試研報, 11, p. 1-13
瀬戸内海の長期水温変動 高橋 暁・清木祥平 2004 海と空, 80(2), p. 89-74
Warming off southwestern Japan linked to distributional shifts of subtidal canopy-forming seaweeds Kouki Tanaka, Seiya Taino, Hiroko Haraguchi, Gabrielle Prendergast and Masanori Hiraoka 2012 Ecology and Evolution, 2(11), p.2854–2865
気候変動と藻類養殖~環境変動域における実験から~ 竹中彰一 2018 愛媛県農林水産研究所水産研究センター, 気候変動対策プロジェクト研究成果発表会(平成30年2月14日)
水温の変動が藻場構成種および植食性魚類に与える影響 村瀬昇・野田幹雄 2018 海洋と生物, 40(3), p.226-232
今後100年間に生じる水温と藻場生態系の変遷を予測する 島袋寛盛・吉田吾郎・加藤亜記・郭新宇 2018 海洋と生物, 40(3), p.233-242
九州西岸域における藻場の変遷 清本節夫・門田立・種子田雄・吉村拓 2018 海洋と生物, 40(3), p.210-219
気候変動による藻場植生の変化と魚類相の変遷 中村洋平 2018 海洋と生物, 40(3), p.220-225
気候変動とその藻場への影響~瀬戸内海からみた”迫り来る脅威”~ 吉田吾郎 2018 海洋と生物, 40(3), p.203-209
