

FY2024 論文 論文名 : Prediction of ambulance transport system collapse under extremely high temperatures induced by climate change
発表者 : Oka K., Honda Y., Hijioka Y.
掲載誌 : Environmental Research: Health, 2:035002 (2024)
FY2023 論文 論文名 : Heat-related mortality and ambulance transport after a power outage in the Tokyo metropolitan area
発表者 : Yamasaki L., Kamada T., Ng C.F.S., Takane Y., Nakajima K., Yamaguchi K., Oka K., Honda Y., Kim Y., Hashizume M.
掲載誌 : Environmental Epidemiology, 8(2):e292 (2024)
論文 論文名 : Seasonality of mortality under climate change: a multicountry projection study
発表者 : Madaniyazi L., Armstrong B., Tobias A., Mistry M.N., et al.
掲載誌 : The Lancet Planetary Health, 8(2):e86-e94 (2024)
論文 論文名 : A Nationwide Comparative Analysis of Temperature-Related Mortality and Morbidity in Japan
発表者 : Yuan L., Madaniyazi L., Vicedo-Cabrera A.M., Honda Y., Ng C.F.S., Ueda K., Oka K., Tobias A., Hashizume M.
掲載誌 : Environmental Health Perspective, 131(12):127008 (2023)
書籍 論文名 : Heat-Related Health Impacts of Climate Change and Adaptation Strategies in Japan
発表者 : Oka K.
書籍 : Climate Change and Human Health Scenarios (ed. Rais Akhtar), Springer Nature, 67-81 (2024)
論文 論文名 : Enhancing health resilience in Japan in a changing climate
発表者 : Kim Y., Oka K., Kawazu E.C., Ng C.F.S., Seposo X., Ueda K., Hashizume M., Honda Y.
掲載誌 : The Lancet Regional Health – Western Pacific, 140:100970 (2023)
論文 論文名 : Net impact of air conditioning on heat-related mortality in Japanese cities
発表者 : Chua P.L.C., Takane Y., Ng C.F.S., Oka K., Honda Y, Kim Y., Hashizume M.
掲載誌 : Environment International, 181:108310 (2023)
論文 論文名 : 高温経験の遷延性を考慮した高齢者の熱中症と虚血性心疾患の死亡リスクの地理的差異
発表者 : 大橋唯太, 井原智彦, 髙根雄也
掲載誌 : 環境情報科学学術研究論文集, 37:27-32 (2023)
論文 論文名 : Decarbonisation technologies can halve the nonlinear increase in electricity demand in densely populated areas due to climate change
発表者 : Takane Y., Nakajima K., Yamaguchi, K., Kikegawa Y.
掲載誌 : Sustainable Cities and Society, 99:104966 (2023)
DOI : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scs.2023.104966
論文名 : Prediction of climate change impacts on heatstroke cases in Japan’s 47 prefectures with the effect of long-term heat adaptation
発表者 : Oka K., Honda Y., Phung V.L.H., Hijioka Y.
掲載誌 : Environmental Research, 232(1):116390 (2023)

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