About the Climate Change Adaptation Information Platform(A-PLAT)
"The Climate Change Adaptation Information Platform (A-PLAT) is a platform to offer information in an easy-to-understand way to promote "adaptation measures", building a society that control and avoid adverse effects of climate change as much as possible, and/or taking advantages of positive impacts of climate change.
Climate change impacts have already been observed in many parts of the world and are expected to become even greater. To minimize the impact caused by ongoing climate change as much as possible, it is important to implement "adaptation measures" to build societies that respond to the impacts of climate change, in addition to "mitigation measures" to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. The Paris Agreement, signed in 2015 (https://www.mofa.go.jp/mofaj/ila/et/page24_000810.html(Ministry of Foreign Affairs website), states that the global average temperature rise should be kept well below 2°C above pre-industrial level (Article 2) , and the global goal on adaptation of enhancing adaptive capacity should be established (Article 7).
A-PLAT was launched in August 2016 for the purpose of supporting users' activities to consider adaptation measures. The Climate Change Adaptation Act (Act No.50 of 2018), which came into effect in December 2018, stipulates that the National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES) is responsible for collecting, organizing, analyzing, and providing information on climate change impacts and climate change adaptation, as well as providing technical advice to local governments and Local Climate Change Adaptation Centers on their adaptation efforts. In response to this, the Climate Change Adaptation Center of the NIES has fulfilled its role as stipulated in the new law by disseminating scientific knowledge on climate change impacts and adaptation measures as well as information on various efforts for adaptation through A-PLAT.
The enactment of the Climate Change Adaptation Act has led to significant progress in adaptation measures by various entities including local governments, businesses, and individuals. The Climate Change Adaptation Center of the NIES will enhance and strengthen A-PLAT in collaboration with relevant ministries and agencies to disseminate information that helps us adapt our lives to changing climate, so that users can implement adaptation measures tailored to their respective circumstances.

We have prepared Leaflets that explain "adaptation" to climate change impacts in an easy-to-understand manner. Please use them in your educational activities.
Illustration Materials
Illustrations of "Climate Change" and "Adaptation" are provided. Please use them for the purpose of raising awareness of adaptation.
Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to previously asked questions are provided.
We take opinions and questions regarding policies and scientific knowledge on climate change impacts and adaptations, as well as information provided on this website.
About SNS
The operation secretariat of A-PLAT uses social media to disseminate information.
Site policy
Please be sure to read the following usage policy when using this website. Please note that the contents, information, URLs, etc. are subject to change or removed without notice.
About Logo Mark of A-PLAT
The logo mark of A-PLAT represents the seven main sectors in which climate change impacts are occurring or are likely to occur, namely "Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries", "Water Environment / Water Resources", "Natural Ecosystems", "Natural Disasters / Coastal Areas", "Human Health", "Industrial / Economic Activity", "Life of Citizenry and Urban Life", as well as the hopeful future society brought by adapting to climate change impacts.