Climate Change Adaptation Information Platform(A-PLAT)

Examples of Climate Risk Management in Japan

This section presents examples of efforts to reduce the impact of climate change in business activities. Measures include the evaluation of impacts and climate risks caused by climate change, measures to deal with impacts of climate change, and the management of risks arising from climate change.
※Short name, in alphabetical order. Based on Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications's Japan Standard Industrial Classification.

Construction industry

Manufacturing industry

Transportation and postal services

For businesses tackling climate change adaptation

The Climate Change Adaptation Information Platform recruits examples of efforts related to climate risk management. If you wish to post the information, fill in the "Inquiry" form with "Requests to post examples of efforts made by the business operator" and apply for the information. Fold back and send you the required documents. Information that does not fall under the purport of this case cannot be included. Please note in advance.

A-PLAT, National Institute for Environmental Studies, and Ministry of the Environment do not provide any guarantees regarding the details of the examples of climate-risk management-related initiatives undertaken by individual businesses. The Company shall not be responsible to the User for any damage or damage that may arise in connection with the use of the Information.