Climate Change Adaptation Information Platform(A-PLAT)

Resilient Infrastructure against Natural Disasters/Utilization of Multiple Hazard Information

Shimizu Corporation


Natural disasters associated with climate change deal a severe blow to buildings and other infrastructures and adversely affect the society and economy of developing countries including loss of social capital and damage to human life. Shimizu Corporation analyses potential disasters using its unique “Shimizu Global Hazard Evaluation System” in developing countries hit by massive disasters almost every year, based on which construction plans are drafted, designed and executed to accommodate measures against floods, torrential rain and various other disasters. Building disaster-tolerant structures serves as an adaptation measure in the field of infrastructure.

Updated March 31, 2017
Publication date May 18, 2017
Sector Natural Disasters / Coastal Areas, Industrial and economic activities

Company Overview


Shimizu Corporation was founded in 1804 and earned high reputation in 1838 by participating in the construction of the West Wing of Edo Castle. The Company is built on several “first-ever” construction projects in Japan as a pioneer in construction of Western architecture. The Company’s business has expanded into global scenes in the third century of the company history. Embracing contribution to global society as its first management philosophy, the Company carries out various other projects for adaption to global warming including one aimed to halt a decline in harvest from dried peatland in Indonesia by introducing superb civil engineering technology such as water level control.

Adaptation Initiatives

Protecting buildings and structures from disasters

[Products and Technologies]

"Shimizu Global Hazard Evaluation System", an integration of 16 open databases maintained by 11 world-famous research institutions, including the United Nations and the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). The System allows users to instantly view all the latest information needed for site-specific hazard assessments by selecting any location worldwide on Google Earth. Combined with the superb technology of Shimizu in construction and execution, the system enables selection of optimal site and construction of buildings highly resilient to anticipated disaster risks.

[Project Details]

Shimizu Corporation carried out a site analysis using “Shimizu Global Hazard Evaluation System” upon request from an Indonesian real estate developer based on high trust in anti-disaster technology of Shimizu developed in disaster-prone Japan. The request was part of a project of operating an office cum retail complex facility in Jakarta, Indonesia. The analysis revealed risks of torrential rain and lightning in the scheduled construction site. The design and execution of the project incorporate measures against risks of torrential rain such as sufficient rainwater drainage system, relocation of power system above the inundation level, and installation of flood barrier against underground inundation.

Shimizu Global Hazard Evaluation System

METI Ministry of Economy, Trade and IndustryThis article is based on the report of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry "FY2016 program: Visualizing contribution of Japanese companies to adaptation activities in developing countries"

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