Climate Change Adaptation Information Platform(A-PLAT)

Development of Lettuce Varieties

Publication date December 17, 2018
Sector Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries
Region name Chubu(Nagano Prefecture)

Adaptation activity

In the lettuce producing region of Nagano Prefecture, a new variety "Naga-no-50" has been developed, which is resistant to root rot (wilting and death) that is prone to occur with plants that are frequently harvested, and is less susceptible to ‘tip burn’ (browning of the edges of leaves (Fig. 1)) which has become more frequent, due to climate change.

Naga-no-50 is resistant to two types of lettuce root rot pathogens that occur in Nagano Prefecture, and has a low incidence of chip burn even though it is grown for shipment in mid-summer (July to mid-August) when temperatures are higher (Fig. 2). Thus, development of a lettuce variety like Naga-no-50 is intended for farms that harvest in mid-summer in areas at altitudes of 1,000 meters or higher, to improve the quality of the mid-summer crop, and to stabilize production.


Fig. 1 Lettuce tip -burn
(Source: Nagano Agricultural Experimental Station: “Agricultural Technology Radar, Vol. 23".)


Fig. 2 Percentage of crop affected by tip burn
(Source: Nagano Agricultural Experimental Station: “Agricultural Technology Radar, Vol. 23".)

Planning and Management Department, Nagano Agricultural Experimental Station. (2016) “Agricultural Technology Radar, Vol. 23"
Relevant information
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, "FY2018 Future Prospects for Adaptation to Climate Change Impacts."
"Global Warming and Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries" by Agricultural Environment Change Research Center Global Warming Research Office, National Institute of Agriculture and Food Industry Technology (Agriculture and Research Institute)