Climate Change Adaptation Information Platform(A-PLAT)

Adaptation Awareness Raising through Events

Publication date December 13, 2019
Sector Life of Citizenry and Urban Life
Region name Kinki(Osaka)

Climate change impacts

In the last 100 years, temperatures in Osaka Prefecture have increased faster than the global and overall Japan average. The reason for this is generally considered to be the heat island phenomenon which occurs in dense urban areas, in addition to global warming.

Adaptation activity

Osaka Prefecture holds events and workshops to promote awareness of adaptation to climate change.

  • Events for the general public
    A public event which included toy-making, games, and crafting wind chimes was organised to promote awareness of heat countermeasures as adaptation to the heat island phenomenon ("’Adaptation’ mo ēna! Osaka COOL Yokochō”, 2018) (fig.) which also included measurement of cool spots and explications of locations around Umeda where one can escape the heat. This was co-organised with environmental NPOs and the Osaka Consortium for Heat Island Countermeasure Technology.
  • Adaptation School, a workshop designed to promote public awareness
    In order to spread "adaptation" more effectively, we held the "Adaptation Cram School" for environmental NPOs, employees promoting global warming prevention activities, and municipal employees, with the aim of increasing the number of personnel who will take the lead in raising awareness of adaptation. The fiscal 2018 study sessions were held in four regions within the prefecture, where workshops were held to consider the dissemination of initiatives for "adaptation" in the region, and opinions were exchanged on adaptation measures that can be made by individuals and adaptation measures that can be made by organizations (administration, companies, NPOs, etc.). In cooperation with the participants of the Adaptation School, we hold awareness-raising events for citizens (held at four locations in the prefecture).
  • Seminar for business operators
    Small and medium-sized businesses engaged in industrial and economic activities in Osaka have held seminars ("Adaptation" seminars and "Adaptation" seminars and "SDGs: Business Trends!") aimed at responding to risks and providing opportunities for new business opportunities by recognizing "adaptation" as a management issue in response to the impacts of climate change on business activities. We gave lectures and case studies on the impacts of climate-change on business activities, responses to SDGs, and business development.

Outputs / Expected benefits

It is expected that awareness of measures will be raised by having people think about adaptation through experiences and workshops. It is also expected that the promotion of public awareness will be further expanded through the development of personnel who are responsible for the promotion of public awareness.

Fig. "Adaptation" awareness-raising event
(Source: Osaka Prefecture Website "Event to raise awareness of "adaptation" to the heat island effect" ("Adaptation" Moenaa! Osaka COOL Yokocho"))

Sources and Related Information
Osaka Climate Change Adaptation Handbook, Osaka Prefecture
Osaka Prefecture Website "Event to raise awareness of "adaptation" to the heat island effect" ("Adaptation" Moenaa! Osaka COOL Yokocho")
Osaka Prefecture website "Hold "Cool Spot Explanation Meeting!"
"Learning meeting for the dissemination of "adaptation" to warming" on the Osaka Prefecture website"
"Adaptation" Seminar, "Adaptation" and SDGs are business trends!" on the website of Osaka Prefecture for "Adaptation" to Global Warming for Businesses"
(a general incorporated association) Environmental Info-Science Center "Report on Survey of Adaptation to Hot Environments in 2018" (Ministry of the Environment Contract Service)