Climate Change Adaptation Information Platform(A-PLAT)

Responding to Changes in Energy Consumption

Publication date December 26, 2019
Sector Life of Citizenry and Urban Life
Region name Kanto(Shizuoka Prefecture)

Climate change impacts

Research on the impact of climate change on air-conditioning usage predict an upward trend in loads during summer (June-September) and the middle months of the year (May-October), a downward trend in heating loads in winter (December-March), and a resultant sharpening of power supply peaks (Fig. 1).

Adaptation activity

The Shizuoka Prefectural government is currently working with the private sector to build an independent energy supply and demand adjustment system, the Fujinokuni Virtual Power Plant (VPP) (Fig. 2). VPP functions like a single power plant by bundling energy derived from different sources, such as solar and wind power generation and household fuel cells, storage batteries, electric vehicles, and negative watts (electricity which has been saved), which is combined using advanced energy management technology utilizing IoT (Internet of things), and by remote and integrated control systems. The Council for the Construction of Fujinokuni VPP was formed in September 2017 by the Prefectural government to collect case studies and advance the project. In March 2019, the council organized forums for renewable energy companies, customers, equipment manufacturers, construction companies, local authorities, and other stakeholders. In order to respond to the increase in demand for air conditioning in summer in particular, technologies such as energy management systems (EMS), energy-saving equipment, and wastewater heat recovery systems are being promoted.

Outputs / Expected benefits

The VPP is expected to ensure a stable supply of electricity and effective use of renewable energy, while the introduction of storage batteries is also expected to help secure emergency power supplies in the event of natural disasters.

Fig. 1 Predicted Changes in Heating and Cooling Peak Load for 2040s and 2090s (compared to 1990s)
(Source: Kazuhiro Soga (2014))

Fig. 2 Fujinokuni VPP
(Source: Shizuoka Prefecture official website)

Sources and Related Information
Sogawa-hiro (2014) Development of Future Weather Data Using Global Warming Prediction Information-A Study on Future Weather Data for Planning Support of Architecture and Equipment Adaptable to Climate Change. Architectural Institute of Japan Environmental Papers, 79 (703)
Shizuoka Prefecture official website, "Fujinokuni Virtual Power Plant"
Shizuoka Prefecture's Policy on Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation in Shizuoka Prefecture, March 2019