Climate Change Adaptation Information Platform(A-PLAT)

Public-Private Partnership Agreements for Disaster Response

Publication date January 8, 2021
Sector Industrial and economic activities
Region name Kyushu

Climate change impacts

The increased risk of slope failure and flood damage due to torrential downpours and increased precipitation caused by global warming, and also storm urges due to the increased intensity of typhoons and rising sea levels, is of growing concern in the Kyūshū region. It has been noted that a shortage of manpower, or the failure or malfunction of facilities or equipment in the event of natural disasters such as storms or floods, may hinder municipal disaster response capabilities. In addition, local authorities that are undergoing administrative and fiscal reforms are recognizing the limitations of public services in being able to respond promptly and effectively to a number of issues, including disaster prevention.

Adaptation activity

Local authorities are working to complement public emergency services in times of natural disasters with public-private partnerships (fig.), and the "Disaster Support Agreement” (see Note) is an example of support in various aspects of disaster management, such as the supply and transport of food and other items, restoration of lifeline facilities, and emergency information services. As of April 1, 2018, all local governments at the prefectural level have concluded "Disaster Support Agreements" with private businesses. At the municipal level in the Kyūshū region, many municipalities, including Kumamoto City, Saga City, Ōita City, and Kagoshima City have been developing these agreements.

Outputs / Expected benefits

In August 2019, a low-pressure front combined with massive amount of highly humid air caused record rainfall and significant property damage in Saga, Nagasaki, and Fukuoka Prefectures. Based on this agreement, a barge with a crane was provided by a private contractor for the collection of driftwood and drifting debris off the coast of Buzen City, Fukuoka Prefecture. To the town of Omachi in Saga Prefecture, oil mats were sent to the site for oil spill recovery operations, and a boat was also provided for work at the mouth of the river.

Efforts under the "Disaster Support Agreement" to carry out such disaster response operations are expected to include a wide range and appropriate emergency recovery activities in various fields in order to protect the lives, bodies, and properties of citizens from disasters.

図 災害対応における官民の連携のイメージ画像

Fig. Disaster mitigation public-private partnerships.
(Source: (General Incorporated Foundation) Japan Fire and Crisis Management Association, "Survey and Research Report on Public-Private Partnerships for Local Government Disaster Response Operations")

(NOTE)Agreements made between local authorities and private contractors or between municipalities to provide human and material support in the event of natural disasters.

Source / Related information
Ministry of the Environment Kyushu Regional Environmental Office "Kyushu/Okinawa District Impact of Global Warming to Kyushu/Okinawa District and Promote Adaptation (Fiscal 2019 Version)" (March 2020)
(General Incorporated Foundation) Japan Fire and Crisis Management Association, "Survey and Research Report on Public-Private Partnerships for Local Government Disaster Response Operations" (March 2015)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications's Fire and Disaster Management Agency, "Fire Defense White Paper 2018 (Chapter 1: Current Situation and Issues of Disasters-Section 6: Earthquake Disaster Countermeasures)"
Ministry of the Environment Kyushu Regional Environmental Office "Case Studies on Climate-Change Impacts in the Kyushu-Okinawa Region (FY2019 Version)" (March 2020)
"Situation of Damage from Heavy Rain on the Front Line in August 2019" by the Cabinet Office (August 31, 2019)