Climate Change Adaptation Information Platform(A-PLAT)

Promotion of greening in the Kyushu region

Publication date April 13, 2021
Sector Life of Citizenry and Urban Life
Region name Kyushu (Fukuoka prefecture, Saga prefecture, Okinawa prefecture)

Climate change impacts

The annual average temperature in Kyūshū has been rising at a rate of 1.73°C per 100 years (see Note). In particular, the temperature in Fukuoka City has been rising at a rate of 2.44℃, which is the steepest rise amongst observation sites in Kyūshū and Yamaguchi Prefecture. In addition to global warming, urbanization is thought to be a factor in this.

Adaptation activity

"Improvement of ground surface covering through greening and water utilization" is a proposed measure for regulating ground surface temperature.
The "Fukuoka Prefecture Action Plan for Global Warming Countermeasures" promotes the appropriate conservation and creation of green spaces as part of a "Creation of Greenery in the City” program. In the last few years, the "Central Park Basic Plan" has been in development in Fukuoka City, and aims to integrate the adjacent Ohori and Maizuru Parks, to create a major green space (see Fig.).
Saga City in Saga Prefecture also considers greenery, such as trees and flowers, to be indispensable for preventing global warming and creating an agreeable urban environment where people and nature can coexist. In March 2017, the "Basic Plan for Greenery in Saga City" was revised to ensure the optimal placement and creation of parks with distinctive character. In addition, the maintenance and preservation of green spaces are also a priority.
The "Okinawa 21st Century Vision Core Strategy" envisages "Islands that value nature, history, tradition and culture that are unique to Okinawa", and promotes the greening of all islands in the next hundred years. In urban areas with relatively few green spaces, in addition to the development of urban parks, the local government is promoting the greening of traffic routes with roadside trees, the planting of greenery suitable to the Okinawa climate, the promotion of “green curtains”, and rooftop and living wall gardens for public facilities and private residencies. At the same time, local authorities are making efforts to create a "green network" by efficiently connecting these areas.

Outputs / Expected benefits

Improvement of land surface coverage through the promotion of greening initiatives is expected to mitigate the heat island effect, secure greenhouse gas sinks, and therefore minimize or negate adverse effects of climate change.


Fig. Overall plan for Central Park initiative
(Source: Central Park Core Strategy, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture)

(NOTE)Statistical period: 1898-2019

Sources and Related Information
The Second Fukuoka Prefecture Global Warming Countermeasures Implementation Plan(Revised March 2022)
Fukuoka Prefecture and Fukuoka City, "Central Park Basic Plan" (June 2019)
Saga City Web page "Parks and Greenery" (updated on April 3, 2017)
Saga City Webpage "Basic Plan for Midori in Saga City (revised March 2017)" (renewed May 2, 202005)
Okinawa Prefecture "Okinawa 21st Century Vision Basic Plan [Revision Plan]" (May 2017)
Okinawa Prefecture "Okinawa 21st Century Vision-Everyone's Beautiful Island Future Okinawa-" (March 2010)
Climate Change Monitoring Report 2019 of Kyushu and Yamaguchi Prefectures, Fukuoka District Meteorological Observatory (May 2020)
Ministry of the Environment Climate Change Adaptation Program (approved by the Cabinet on November 27, 2018)