Climate Change Adaptation Information Platform(A-PLAT)

How to use the "References for Climate Change Impact Assessment Reports" page

This page introduces the notes and functions of the “References for Climate Change Impact Assessment Reports”.

  • Recommended browsing browsers are Fire Fox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge.
    The tables may not be displayed correctly when browsing on a Internet Explorer or smartphone.
This section introduces some of the features of the Impact Assessment Report page. A reproduction of a portion of the page can be found within the dividing line below.
A brief description of each function will pop up on mouse-over, but there are more detailed explanations below the dividing line.

  • To switch the search to "AND" or "OR", click the "Search button" after selecting.
    "Reset" returns to the initial state.

  • There is a filter function that allows you to narrow down your search by "Overall", "Current Assessment", or "Future Projection". It is also possible to filter after a keyword search.

    • Overall
    • Current Assessment
    • Future Projection
  • Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries
    •   Agriculture  
      • 1.Paddy rice
      • 2.Vegetables
      • 3.Fruit trees
      • 4.Wheat, soybeans, feed crops, etc.
      • 5.Livestock production
      • 6.Pests and weeds
      • 7.Agricultural production bases
      • 8.Food supply and demand
    •   Forest and Forestry  
      • 1.Wood production (artificial forests, etc.)
      • 2.Special forest products (mushrooms, etc.)
    •   Fishery industry  
      • 1. Migratory fish and shellfish (ecology of fish, etc.)
      • 2.Aquaculture, etc.
      • 3.Coastal and inland water areas
        Fishing ground environment, etc.
  • Water Environment and Water Resources
    •   Water Environment  
      • 1.Lakes, marshes and dams
      • 2.Rivers
      • 3.Coastal and closed sea areas
    •   Water Resources  
      • 1.Water supply (surface water)
      • 2.Water supply (groundwater)
      • 3.Water demand
  • Natural Ecosystems
    •   Terrestrial ecosystem  
      • 1.Alpine and subalpine zones
      • 2.Natural and secondary forests
      • 3.Satochi-satoyama ecosystems
      • 4.Planted forests
      • 5.Impacts of Wild Birds and Animals
      • 6.Material balance
    •   Freshwater ecosystem  
      • 1.Lakes and marshes
      • 2.Rivers
      • 3.Wetlands
    •   Coastal ecosystem  
      • 1.Subtropical
      • 2.Temperate and subarctic regions
    •   Marine ecosystem  
    •   Others  
      • 1.Phenology
      • 2.Variation in distribution and populations
    •   Ecosystem services  
      • 1.Ecosystem services
      • 2.Retention function of nutrients and suspended solids in the watershed, etc.
      • 3.Supply function of fishery resources by seaweed bed ecosystem in coastal areas, etc.
      • 4.Eco-DRR function by coral reefs, etc.
      • 5.Wetland natural ecosystems and related recreational functions, etc.
  • Natural Disasters and Coastal Areas
    •   river  
      • 1.Flooding
      • 2.Internal water
    •   Coast  
      • 1.Rise in sea level
      • 2.Storm surges and high waves
      • 3.Coastal erosion
    •   Mountains  
      • 1.Debris flow, landslide, etc.
    •   Others  
      • 1.Strong winds, etc.
    •   Combined disasters  
      • 1.Comprehensive disaster impact
  • Human Health
    •   Winter warming  
      • 1.Winter mortality
    •   Heat  
      • 1.The risk of death
      • 2.Heat stroke
    •   Infectious Diseases  
      • 1.Waterborne and foodborne infections
      • 2.Arthropod-borne infections
      • 3.Other infectious diseases
    •   Others  
      • 1.Combined Effects of Global Warming and Air Pollution
      • 2.Impact on highly vulnerable populations
      • 3.Other health effects
  • Industrial and economic activities
    •   Manufacturing  
    •   Food Manufacturing  
    •   Energy  
      • 1.Energy supply and demand
    •   Finance and Insurance  
    •   Commerce  
    •   Retail trade  
    •   Tourism  
      • 1.Leisure
    •   Leisure industry utilizing natural resources  
    •   Construction industry  
    •   Medical  
    •   Others  
      • 1.Others
      • 2.Overseas Effects, etc.
  • Life of Citizenry and Urban Life
    •   Urban Infrastructure, Lifeline, etc.  
      • 1.Water supply, transportation, etc.
    •   Living with a sense of culture, history, etc.  
      • 1.Phenology, traditional events, local industries, etc.
    •   Others  
      • 1.The effects of heat on life

The climate change impact assessment report is categorized into 7 fields, 34 major items and 70 sub-items. Move the cursor over the name of the field above to see the major and minor items associated with the field. Sub-items are omitted when the names of the items match.

農業・林業・水産業Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries


Statistics on paddy rice 
"作況基準筆データを用いた近年の日本のコメ品質に対する気候影響の統計解析", 西森基貴, 石郷岡康史, 若月ひとみ, 桑形恒男, 長谷川利拡 al.: 生物と気象, 20, (2020), p.1-8


"近年の日本における稲作気象の変化とその水稲収量・外観品質への影響", 河津俊作, 本間香貴, 堀江武, 白岩立彦: 生物と気象, 20, (2020), p.1-8


"Rice grain quality degradation and economic loss due to globalwarming in Japan", Yuji Masutomi, Takahiro Takimoto, Muneyoshi Shimamura, Toru Manabe, Makoto al.: Environmental Research Communications, I, (2019), 121003


"Impact assessment of climate change on rice production in Asia in comprehensive consideration of process/parameter uncertainty in general circulation models.", Masutomi Y, Takahashi K , Harasawa H, Matsuoka Y.: Agriculture, (2009), Ecosystems and Environment 131 (2009) 281–291


About the keyword search function

  • Click Search for keyword search to display only documents that contain keywords in literature titles, authors, and bibliographic information for the keywords you enter, and hide those that do not. "Reset" returns to the initial state.
  • The "AND" search displays documents that contain all of the keywords you have entered.
    An "OR" search displays documents that contain one of several keywords.
  • To switch the search to "AND" or "OR", click "Search button" after selecting.
  • Click on the magnifying glass symbol next to the reference information to open the Google search results for the title of the reference in a new tab.
  • Click "Reset" to return to the initial state of this page.

About the filter function

  • There is a filter function by the year of publication of the journal, which allows you to narrow down the number of items displayed by the type of period covered by the material.
    The types of periods covered in the literature are "overall," "current assessment," and "future projection. The selected button will be shown in orange, and only the relevant references will be displayed.
  • You cannot select multiple criteria for each filter.
  • It is possible to use the filter function after keyword search. Also, if you perform a keyword search while using the filter function, the display range will automatically change to "overall".

About the sidebar and sectors list

  • The climate change impact assessment report is categorized into 7 fields, 34 major items and 70 sub-items.
  • There is a list of sector and items, and when you hover the cursor over a sector, a purple highlighted line appears in the corresponding sectors, and a pop-up shows the list of items in the sector. If the name of the major item matches the name of the minor item, the minor item name is omitted.
  • You can also disable the pop-up by checking the box at the end of the text under the sector list.
  • Below the sector name in the sector list or to the right of the sector name in the sidebar, the number of references displayed for the sector is shown. The number of documents displayed in a sector changes in conjunction with the search and filter functions.
  • The sectors list sidebar is an in-page link that scrolls to the relevant section when clicked.

About other functions

  • Accordion function: Each sub-item has a "+" and a "-" to the right. When "+" is displayed, the literature of the item is displayed, and when "-" is displayed, the literature is stored and hidden. You can switch between "+" and "-" by clicking on the sub-item.

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