Sustainable Water Supply
Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.
Publication date | March 16, 2017 |
Sector | Water Environment / Water Resources |
Increase in floods associated with climate change has aggravated pollution of water source, raised the number of sick people due to poor health, and hindered socioeconomic growth. Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. has developed "Yamaha Clean Water Supply System" as a small-sized water purifier contributing to better health of people and socioeconomic growth through new business. The System has been introduced to several places since 2010 as an adaption measure in the field of water supply through addressing water pollution associated with climate change and to improve health of people and socioeconomic environment.
Company Overview

Yamaha Motor was set up in 1955 as a motorcycle manufacturer. Since then the Company aims at contributing to people's lives worldwide through its products. The first trigger to taking on water purification business was complaints received from expatriate families working in a motorcycle factory in Indonesia in 1980s. The complaints were on the murky color and rusty smell of local tap water. In response, the Company developed a tap water purifier for household and started marketing and operation tentatively in Indonesia in 2010, which became the prototype of the System at present.
Adaptation Initiatives
Addressing water pollution caused by floods
[Products and Technologies]
"Yamaha Clean Water Supply System" purifies water through "Slow Sand Filter" using sand and gravel. Physical dirt and rubbish are removed from surface water pumped through the pipe through "Filtration Tanks" embedded with sand and gravel. Dissolved oxygen levels are increased by photosynthesis of algae which naturally occurs inside the "Bio-Pool". The System's requiring no coagulants or membranes enables self-sustained operation and maintenance by local community without the need for advanced technology and high costs for operation and maintenance.
[Project Details]
The System has been introduced to medical and educational facilities and rural areas in countries vulnerable to water pollution such as Indonesia, Vietnam, Senegal and Mauritania, drastically reducing the outbreak of diarrhea, fever and other illnesses. The System has also transformed people’s lives. Local residents are now released from the chore of pumping water from the well and they have shifted themselves to production and learning activities. Economic development in rural areas and villages has also been achieved through new businesses such as water delivery, flush cleaning and ice making. Eying the System as a contributor to social infrastructure development while enhancing corporate awareness at the same time, Yamaha Motor is actively introducing the System to areas with water supply but without purification technology in cooperation with other donors.