Climate Change Adaptation Information Platform(A-PLAT)

"Sustainability Navi" Consulting, Including Water Risk

Yachiyo Engineering Co., Ltd.

Industry: Academic research, professional and technical services
Publication date May 11, 2023 (Posted on December 25, 2023)
Sector Water Environment and Water Resources / Industrial and Economic Activities

Company Overview

Yachiyo Engineering Co., Ltd. has been providing technical and intellectual services as a construction consultant mainly for social infrastructure within and outside of Japan. In response to the social conditions that has been drastically changing over the recent years, the company has been applying the technologies that have cultivated not only to the development of social infrastructure, but also to the economy, industry, and people's lives as a whole. Being more aware of the global environment, society, governance, and SDGs, the company is creating “solutions” to the social issues for the sustainable development of the world.

Climate Change Impacts

As climate change and other factors bring water issues to the fore, it is essential for the private sector to understand the risks associated with water-related disasters, water use, and water quality, and to implement appropriate countermeasures for sustainable business activities and local communities.

Adaptation Initiatives

The Water Risk Lab was launched in July 2018 with the aim of contributing to the daily increasing water-related crisis, the need for domestic and international risk management for water damage and water use, and to provide the solutions for water issues that is important for companies and society (Fig. 1). Water risk is interrelated with climate change and biodiversity, and there is a growing need for companies to comprehensively address water risk, so the name was changed to "Sustainability Navi" in June 2022, and we offer consulting services on overall sustainability, including water risk (Fig. 2).

As the effects of rising temperatures become more apparent, companies are required to take action on natural capital that is closely associated with their business, such as frequent flooding, depletion of water resources, changes in marine ecosystems, and destruction of forests and ecosystems, and action on corporate environmental issues is accelerating in a variety of settings. We offer the following services with the aim of contributing to a sustainable society, as well as proposals for action while presenting facts on corporate environmental issues.

Climate change response
  • Scope calculation support
  • Support for setting SBTs and application assistance
  • Third-party verification support
  • TCFD support
Corporate water risk analysis, assessment, and policy development
  • Watershed risk analysis and assessment considering regional characteristics
  • Study of risk reduction measures related to water intake and drainage at the site
  • Sustainability assessment of water usage in the context of climate change
  • Identification of water source areas (origins) of factories
  • Formulation of water reduction policy for the entire business
  • Quantitative assessment of groundwater infiltration in corporate forests
Responding to biodiversity
  • SBTN support (trial to new guidance)
  • TNFD support (beta v0.4 trial)
  • Surveys on biodiversity
  • Conservation activities for freshwater ecosystems, forest ecosystems, etc.
Environmental information disclosure
  • Assistance in responding to CDP (climate change, water security, forests)
  • Preparation of environmental reports for private companies
  • CDP scoring partner (climate change and water security)

Effects / Expected Benefits

In the area of sustainability, the main efforts of companies in the past have been "understanding the current situation" and "formulating goals and visions," but the "implementation" phase will become extremely important in the future. We can contribute to companies and society by providing a full range of services, including assessment of the current situation, strategy formulation, and implementation, using our expertise in natural science and the environment, as well as planning and design technologies cultivated in the field of public infrastructure.

Water risk impact on business activities
Fig. 1 Water risk impact on business activities
Sustainability Navi
Fig. 2 Sustainability Navi

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