Climate Change Adaptation Information Platform(A-PLAT)


Date of the meeting November 6-17, 2017
Venue Germany / Bonn

Report on Hosting Side Events in COP23 Japan Pavilion

COP 23 took place in Bonn, Germany, for two weeks from November 6 to 17, 2017.
At the Japan Pavilion, Ministry of the Environment held a side-event entitled "The Roles of Scientific Knowledge to Adaptation to Climate Change." Based on scientific knowledge, moderators and panelists exchanged opinions on how adaptation planning and its implementation will be implemented in countries and regions.

At the opening of the event, Masaharu Nakagawa Minister of the Environment stated that reducing the risks caused by climate change and enhancing adaptive capacity are global goals and extremely important.

In this event, Mr. Yasuaki Muraoka, Director of Office Office, of National Institute for Environmental Studies Center for Social and Environmental Systems Research and Regional Environmental Impact Assessment Research, took the role of a panelist and reported on the establishment of a pilot version of the Asia-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Information Platform AP-PLAT, a website designed to promote adaptation planning and implementation in the Asia-Pacific region.


[Opening Remarks]
Masaharu Nakagawa Minister of the Environment, Japan
[Keynote Lecture]
Bambang Brodjonegoro Director General of the National Development Program of the Government of Indonesia
[Panel discussion]
Colwatt-Sakuhakaratai Division Senior Officer, Natural Resources Ministry of the Environment Climate-Change Management Cooperation
Shanff Lu ADB Senior Expert in Climate Change, Bureau of Sustainable Development and Climate Change
Barney Dixon Director of UNEP Climate Change Unit (GAN Secretariat)
Yasuaki Hijioka Director, Regional Environmental Impact Assessment Office, Social and Environmental Systems Research Center, National Institute of Environmental Studies
Salim Hak IIED Senior Fellow
Masanobu Kimura Director, Climate Change Adaptation Office, Global Environment Bureau, Ministry of the Environment
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(Published on November 29, 2017)