Climate Change Adaptation Information Platform(A-PLAT)

Report on "FY2021 Workshop for Municipal Officials in charge of Global Warming Countermeasures and Adaptation in Fukuoka Prefecture" and "Visit to Local Climate Change Adaptation Centers and Municipalities (Chugoku and Kyushu Regions)".

On November 29, 2021, we participated in the "Fukuoka Prefecture Municipal Officials' Workshop on Global Warming Countermeasures and Adaptation", and on the following day, November 30, we visited neighboring climate change adaptation centers and municipalities.

FY2021 Workshop for Municipal Officials in charge of Global Warming Countermeasures and Adaptation in Fukuoka Prefecture.

Date of event Monday, November 29, 2021, 13:15 - 16:45
  • Yoshizuka Joint Government Building
Organizers and secretariat Fukuoka Prefecture Environment Department Environmental Conservation Section

Fukuoka Prefecture holds a workshop every year with the aim of sharing understanding and awareness of global warming with municipal officials in the prefecture, and promoting the formulation of action plans for global warming countermeasures and efforts to prevent global warming. This year's workshop was attended by about 70 municipal officials. Our firm was in charge of a lecture on "Formulation of Local Climate Change Adaptation Plans" and facilitation of "Group Work for Formulation of Local Adaptation Plans".

The lecture provided information on the themes of "Purpose and Concept of Local Climate Change Adaptation Planning", "Concept of Each STEP in the Manual for Local Climate Change Adaptation Planning", and "Introduction of Case Studies from Other Regions on Local Adaptation Planning" for the development of local climate change adaptation plans.

(Scene of the lecture)

In the group work, the participants were divided into groups of 7 to 8 and worked on the regional adaptation planning according to the STEP of the "Manual for Regional Climate Change Adaptation Planning" explained in the previous lecture. The participants were able to experience the planning process. The goal of the workshop was to learn the process of planning, such as collecting information on past and expected future impacts of climate change and weather phenomena, selecting high-priority items for the region, and planning adaptation measures accordingly. The participants in each group also exchanged information on the status of adaptation efforts and issues in their respective municipalities. At the end of the session, the three groups presented the contents and results of their group work to share information.

(Group work in progress)

About 70 people in charge of municipalities working on climate change measures also participated in the group work, and engaged in lively discussions on how to adapt to climate change in their communities, and listened attentively to the team presentations of their findings.


Date and time Tuesday, November 30, 2021
  • Fukuoka Climate Change Adaptation Center
  • Environment Division, Civil Environment Department, Saga Prefecture
  • Yamaguchi Climate Change Adaptation Center
  • New Energy and Global Warming Countermeasures Office, Environment and Culture Department, Okayama Prefecture/Okayama Prefectural Research Center of Environmental Science and Public Health
  • Introduction of support menu from CCCA
  • Introduction of recent A-PLAT contents and CCCA's support activities
  • Explanation of activities from LCCAC and the department in charge of adaptation in the prefecture
  • Opinion exchange and Q&A session

(Visit to the Yamaguchi Climate Change Adaptation Center)

We visited the LCCACs that have already started their activities, as well as the departments in charge of the prefectures that are currently working on the establishment of LCCACs, and had a frank exchange of opinions. It was a good opportunity to hear directly from them about the information on climate change impacts in each region, the status of adaptation efforts, practical issues such as the operation of the centers, and future activity policies.
By visiting the sites that are at the forefront of climate change adaptation promotion work, we were able to meet directly with the people in charge and experience the atmosphere of the sites. We also received many requests for CCCA, which we will utilize in our future activities.

(Published on January 19, 2022)