Climate Change Adaptation Information Platform(A-PLAT)

The 4th Symposium on Promoting Climate Change Adaptation by Private Sector - Towards Addressing Physical Risks in TCFD

Date of event October 22, 2021
  • Held online (Zoom webinar)

On October 22, 2021, the Ministry of the Environment (MOE) and the National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES) co-hosted the "4th Symposium on Promoting Climate Change Adaptation by Private Sector - Towards Addressing Physical Risks in TCFD," and conducted a questionnaire survey of participants in advance (September 27-October 12, 2021). Here is a summary of the questionnaire results.

[Respondents' Attributes]

[Figure 1: Participant's organizational affiliation] shows the percentage of respondents who applied to participate in this symposium. 79% of the respondents belonged to companies.

[Figure 2: Industry of participants belonging to the "Company" category.] shows the types of companies to which the 353 participants who selected "Company" in [Figure 1: Participant's Organization] belong. The largest number of participants applied from the manufacturing industry, followed by the construction industry. In the "Other" category, many participants were in the consulting industry.

[Reasons for participating in this symposium]

[Figure 3: Reasons for participating in this symposium] shows the percentage of respondents who selected the appropriate reason for attending the symposium. 70% of respondents wanted to gather information on TCDF and climate risk management. More than 50% of respondents wanted to find out about national trends on climate change.

[Awareness of A-PLAT]

[Figure 4: Awareness of A-PLAT] shows the percentage of respondents' awareness and usage of A-PLAT. 52% of the respondents indicated that they "often" or "have" browsed A-PLAT. On the other hand, 48% of the respondents selected "never browsed" or "don't know".

[Figure 5 Details of frequency of browsing by those who "frequently browse" A-PLAT] shows the percentage of frequency of A-PLAT browsing among the 57 respondents who selected "frequently browse" in [Figure 4 A-PLAT Awareness].

[Status of efforts for climate change adaptation at the participants' organizations]

[Figure 6: Status of adaptation efforts at the participants' organizations] shows the percentage of respondents who selected the relevant item regarding the status of efforts for climate change adaptation at their organization. Thirty-six percent of respondents answered that they are currently working on adaptation.

[Figure 7: Breakdown of "Currently working on adaptation".] shows the number of respondents who selected the relevant initiatives as the content of initiatives for the 149 respondents who answered "currently working on adaptation" in [Fig. 6 Status of initiatives for adaptation at the participants' organizations].

[Figure 8: Breakdown of "Planning to take action on adaptation in the future".] shows the number of respondents who selected the appropriate action for the 61 respondents who answered "I plan to take action on adaptation in the future" in [Figure 6 Status of action on adaptation at the participants' organizations].

[Figure 9: Existence or non-existence of adaptation issues at the participants' organizations] shows the percentage of respondents who are aware of the existence of adaptation issues in their organizations. 54% of respondents answered "don't know," indicating a lack of sharing of the status of activities in their organizations.

[Figure 10: Breakdown of adaptation issues at participants' institutions] shows a breakdown of the issues related to adaptation at the organizations of the respondents who selected "Yes" in [Fig. 9 Existence of issues related to adaptation at the participants' organizations].

Based on the opinions of those who responded to the survey, A-PLAT will continue its efforts to promote climate change adaptation. Thank you very much for your cooperation in the survey! The activity report including the results of the questionnaire on the day of this symposium can be found below.

(Published on January 19, 2022)