Climate Change Adaptation Information Platform(A-PLAT)

Mimicking the Effect of Sunlight Filtering Through Trees with "fractal sunshades"

Publication date July 27, 2018
Sector Life of Citizenry and Urban Life
Region name Kanto(Yokohama-city kanagawa prefecture)

Climate change impacts

In Yokohama City, in addition to the effects of global warming, the heat island effect is also increasing. The average annual temperature is rising over the long term, and this is resulting in hundreds of hospitalizations for heat illness every year.

Adaptation activity

A fractal sunshade is created by arranging a large number of leaf-like pieces in a three-dimensional structure. A feature of this design is that the temperature of the shade itself remains relatively low because of heat dissipate more easily. The fact that the temperature of the sunshade itself can be kept low means that heat radiation, compared to shade provided by material in a single plane, can also be reduced.

Details in the Local Adaptation Interview.

N.B. Prof. Satoshi Sakai, Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto University, invented and obtained patents for the fractal sunshade. Two domestic companies (LOSFEE co., Ltd. and SEKISUI HEIM SUPPLY CO,.LTD) are licensed to manufacture and sell fractal sunshades.

Fig. Fractal sunshade installed at a nursery school
Sources and Related Information
Yokohama Environmental Science Research Institute
Satoshi Sakai Professor, Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto University
Ministry of the Environment Revised Guidelines for Measures to Prevent Town-Naka Heat (March 2018)