Climate Change Adaptation Information Platform(A-PLAT)

Heat Countermeasures for the Tokyo Olympics

Publication date January 25, 2019
Sector Life of Citizenry and Urban Life / Human Health / Industrial and economic activities
Region name Kanto(Tokyo)

Climate change impacts

Temperatures in Tokyo, where the 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games will be held, are rising at a rate of 3.2°C per 100 years due to the effects of climate change and the heat island effect. In this context, 7,843 people were hospitalized for heat stroke between May and September 2018.

Adaptation activity

In order to create a comfortable environment for athletes, audiences, etc., the "Liaison Committee for Relevant Ministries for Hot Weather Countermeasures for Athletes and Audiences, Tokyo 2020" has been formed. The following measures are being jointly taken by relevant ministries and agencies, the Tokyo Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, and the Tokyo Metropolitan Government.

  1. ① In order to prevent heat exhaustion at competition venues, shade trees should be provided at the venues and along the marathon course, sunshade tents will be erected, and guidelines created to prevent heat stroke at summer events (Fig. 1).
  2. ② Different forms of information will be made available, in an easy-to-understand format, for foreigners and the disabled, such as preventive measures against heat stroke and what to do in the event of heat stroke (Fig. 2).
  3. ③ In order to improve the emergency medical system, we are promoting the use of non-voice methods of reporting an emergency, the easier reception of foreigners at hospitals, and the development of a dedicated emergency system for the management of the games.
  4. ④ We aim to improve the accuracy of weather predictions, the introduction of heat countermeasure technologies, and the use of related data.

Outputs / Expected benefits

Through these initiatives, the experience of the Tokyo Olympics will be made easier for athletes, spectators, and for outdoor activity in general.


Fig. 1 Examples of Heat Countermeasures
(Source: Cabinet Secretariat, Cabinet Information Office: "Toward the 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games-2020 and beyond")


Fig. 2 Materials for foreigners on how to avoid heat stroke.
(Source: Ministry of the Environment Heat Stroke Prevention Information Site "Public information download")

Sources and Related Information
Cabinet Secretariat, Cabinet Information Office: "Toward the 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games-2020 and beyond"
"Interim Summary of Measures to Cope with the Heart of Athletes and Audiences Toward Tokyo 2020" (September 2, 2015) by the Secretariat of the Tokyo Olympic Games and the Tokyo Paralympic Games Promotion Headquarters, Cabinet Secretariat
Ministry of the Environment Heat Stroke Prevention Information Site "Public information download"
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications's Fire and Disaster Management Agency Report on Emergency Transportation due to Heat Stress in 2018 (May-September) (October 25, 2018)