Climate Change Adaptation Information Platform(A-PLAT)

Ensuring Tomato Production Yield with the TomGEM Project

Publication date January 30, 2019
Sector Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries
Region name Overseas(Europe・EU)

Climate change impacts

From the perspective of climate change and population growth projections, it is extremely important for society to ensure an adequate supply of nutritious and high-quality fruits and vegetables. For example, in the case of tomatoes, the ideal temperature for growth is 18°C to 29°C, but research from France has shown that when the temperature rises by 2°C, yield increases but quality is negatively affected.

Adaptation activity

The TomGEM project was launched in 2016 as a four-year EU-supported project to maintain high fruit and vegetable quality and yield under adverse temperature conditions. Tomato cultivation can be a good model on which to base the development of new breeding and management methods.

The four main objectives of TomGEM are : ①selection of excellent genotypes in terms of fruiting, yield stability and fruit quality at higher temperatures; ②identification of gene sequences and varietal diversity in terms of fruit yield and heat resistance; ③preparation of optimal growth conditions to improve the fruiting rate of selected genotypes at higher temperatures; ④development of breeding and control methods that can be used in various geographical conditions to ensure high yields without degradation due to higher temperatures.

Outputs / Expected benefits

The development and management of new tomato varieties is expected to improve the yield and quality of tomato production in the face of climate change impacts.

Fig.1 TomGEM website
Fig.2 TomGEM leaflet
Sources and Related Information
TomGEM website
Mizuho Intelligence Research Institute's "FY2016 Survey and Analysis of Regional Climate Change Adaptation Plans in the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Sector (Survey and Analysis of Adaptation to Regional Climate Change Impacts in Foreign Countries)" Survey Report (Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Consignment Project)