Climate Change Adaptation Information Platform(A-PLAT)

R&D LACCAVE on wine-making

Publication date February 4, 2019
Sector Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries
Region name Overseas(France)

Climate change impacts

Climate change is already having a variety of impacts on wine production. Effects include earlier grape harvests, increased water stress on grapes, increased alcohol content, and reduction in acidity.

Adaptation activity

Between 2012 and 2015, the French National Institute for Agriculture (INRA) worked with 23 research institutes variously specializing in climatology, genetics, ecology, crop cultivation, wine brewing, economics, sociology, etc. in the LACCAVE ("Long-term Adaptation to Climate Change for Viticulture and Enology”) project, developing comprehensive studies such as the assessment and adaptation of grape and wine production. There were seven working groups in LACCAVE, which focused on: ①the organization of existing research on climate change and its impacts in wine orchards; ②basic physiological and genetic studies of grapes, and their reaction to climate change; ③technological innovations that contribute to adaptation; ④evaluation of different regional strategies; ⑤consideration of economic strategies; ⑥the creation of information systems that take into account the specificities of various scientific fields; and ⑦developing a proactive response to the adaptation of French vineyards.

Outputs / Expected benefits

Vineyards are taking adaptive measures, such as selecting late-harvesting and lower sugar-content grape varieties, using yeast to limit sugar fermentation, modifying cultivation methods based on climate change simulations, and changing regulations, based on the assessment of research data.

Fig.1 INRA experimental winery
Fig. 2 Cover of INRA report summarizing research on wine
(Source: INRA "Special Report: When Wine Has a Thirst for Research")
Sources and Related Information
INRA「LACCAVE Project - Long term adaptation to climate change in viticulture and enology」
INRA「Special Report: When wine has a thirst for research」
Mizuho Intelligence Research Institute's "FY2016 Survey and Analysis of Regional Climate Change Adaptation Plans in the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Sector (Survey and Analysis of Adaptation to Regional Climate Change Impacts in Foreign Countries)" Survey Report (Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Consignment Project)