Climate Change Adaptation Information Platform(A-PLAT)

Preventive measures in Boston

Publication date January 20, 2021
Sector Natural Disasters / Coastal Areas
Region name Overseas (Massachusetts, USA)

Climate change impacts

Hurricane Sandy, struck New York City and New Jersey in the United States in 2012, causing 73 deaths and the destruction of thousands of homes, amounting to property damage of around $68 billion.
In Boston, 200 miles north of New York City, an increase in coastal floods, torrential rainfall, and heat waves is projected. Boston City is preparing for such extreme weather.

Adaptation activity

Boston has worked with a broad coalition of stakeholders to launch the climate-change adaptation initiative “Climate Ready Boston”, from which the final report of Climate Ready Boston was published in 2016. The final report is organized into four sections: (1) current climate projections; (2) vulnerability assessment; (3) area selection; and (4) climate resilience initiatives. In the first of these, projections of extreme temperatures, sea level rise, extreme precipitation and storms were developed (1). Using these findings, a comprehensive assessment of different current and future climate change hazards was created, with regard to effects on Boston’s citizens, buildings, infrastructure, and economy: ① hot weather; ② stormwater flooding; and ③ coastal and river floods (2). Eight priority areas were identified from the vulnerability assessment to indicate the risks facing Boston and the climate resilience approach was applied in detail to demonstrate what measures may be taken (3). Climate resilience is divided into five layers: (i) obtaining up-to-date climate projections; (ii) preparing and connecting communities; (iii) coastal protection; (iv) robust infrastructure; and (v) adaptive buildings (fig.). These layers are further divided into 11 strategies and 39 initiatives (4).

Outputs / Expected benefits

In preparing its final report, Boston gathered expertise from a number of universities and other institutions, as well as engaging the participation of different stakeholders, from vulnerable populations to representatives of major commercial enterprises. The latest information on the progress of the Climate Ready Boston initiative and related news can be viewed on the City of Boston website (see Note).

図 気候レジリエンスへの取り組みのレイヤーと戦略のイメージ図

Fig. Layers and Strategies for Climate Resilience
(Purple: Coastal Line, Orange: Community, Blue: Infrastructure, Blue: Building)
(Source: City of Boston "Climate Ready Boston Final Report”)

Source / Related information
U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit "Luck Is Not a Policy We Can Count On: Boston Takes a Proactive Approach to Climate Adaptation"