Climate Change Adaptation Information Platform(A-PLAT)

Report of a Questionnaire of Participants at the International Symposium to Commemorate the Enforcement of the Climate Change Adaptation Law

Date of the meeting December 4, 2018
Venue Tokyo

The International Symposium for the Enforcement of the Climate Change Adaptation Law We held the "How do regions prepare for climate change?", held by Ministry of the Environment and National Institute for Environmental Studies on December 4, was attended by 280 participants, whose capacity exceeded 200, who participated in the International Symposium on Climate Change Commemoration.

A total of 113 people participated in the questionnaire conducted at the venue. In the questionnaire, we conducted a survey of all participants [Overall] and a survey of only those who belong to the company [Corporate]. Now, let's take a look at the survey results on the chart.

Whole edition

Q. Please tell me your organization to which you belong.

The breakdown of organizations to which respondents belonged was 48 for local governments, 29 for corporations (including research laboratories), 16 for public research institutions, and 10 for individuals.
Many people from companies and public research institutes also participated!

図1 回答者の所属する組織の割合

Q. A-PLAT do you know?

Of the respondents, 87 responded "I know" A-PLAT, and 24 responded "I don't know."

図2 回答者のA-PLAT認知度

Q. Do you view A-PLAT?

Fig. 3 shows that approximately 7th of the respondents view A-PLAT.

図3 A-PLAT閲覧率

Fig. 4 shows that most local governments are viewing A-PLAT. In addition, public research institutes and those who belong to companies have a high access rate. On the other hand, it was found that the browsing rate of "individuals" was lower. At A-PLAT, we intend to further strengthen our dissemination of information targeting individuals!

図4 回答者の所属別に見たA-PLAT閲覧率

Next, let's take a look at how everyone's A-PLAT is used!

Q. Do you use A-PLAT data?

In Fig. 5, 60% of respondents say they are "using" or "planning to use" A-PLAT.

図5 A-PLAT活用率

Fig. 6 shows that the utilization rate of A-PLAT (including planned utilization) by public research institutes is higher than that of local governments. In addition, half of those who belong to enterprises answered that they are "using" or "are scheduled to use," indicating that there is also a need from enterprises.

図6 回答者の所属別に見たA-PLAT活用率

Corporate section

The symposiums were also attended by companies (including laboratories). We also conducted a questionnaire survey targeting only those who belong to the company. Now, let's look at the results!

Q. Do you have any projects or initiatives related to climate change adaptation?

More than half of the respondents (17) responded that their companies had "business and initiatives related to adaptation." Companies are doing their best too! In A-PLAT, companies are also cheering for adaptations!

図7 回答者の企業における適応取り組み等実施状況

Q. What business and initiatives do you have with regard to adaptation?

Those who answered "I have" about the adaptation initiatives at the companies they belong to were asked about the details of the initiatives. "There are/will be initiatives that make adaptation a business opportunity" accounted for as many as 13 companies.

In addition, there were three companies that had both "implementing measures to combat climate change impacts (adaptation measures)" and "there are/planned initiatives with adaptation as a business opportunity."

図8 回答者の企業の適応取り組み内容の内訳

※ A-PLAT introduces climate risk management in the form of "measures to combat climate change impacts (adaptation measures)," and adaptation business in the form of initiatives that take adaptation as a business opportunity.

Thank you for your cooperation in the survey!

(Published on December 21, 2018)