Climate Change Adaptation Information Platform(A-PLAT)

Holding technical guidance training for hub construction

Date of the meeting December 6, 2018
Venue Tokyo

On Thursday, December 6, we held technical training on hub construction. National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES) held this training to assist Thailand and Indonesia in building an adaptive information platform based on its experiences in developing the Climate Change Adaptation Information Platform (A-PLAT) and the Asia-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Information Platform (AP-PLAT).

In Thailand and Indonesia, plans are under way to build an adaptive information platform to promote climate change adaptation measures. This meeting was held by a total of 4 participants from Environment Research and Training Center (ERTC and Office of Natural resources and Environmental Policy and planning (ONEP in Thailand, 2 participants from the National Development Program Agency (BAPPENAS) and National Action Plan on Climate Change Adaptation (RAN-API in Indonesia, and 16 participants including NIES and Ministry of the Environment.

Thailand and Indonesia announced the status of adaptation policies in their respective countries, the development status of adaptive information platforms, and future plans. From Thailand, we introduced the status of the construction of platforms and demonstration versions, which are being promoted with ERTC as a focal point. Indonesians introduced RAN-API's proposed platform and emphasized the need to build an adaptive platform.


NIES introduced the contents and collection methods of A-PLAT and AP-PLAT. In addition, we asked Thailand and Indonesia to submit questions regarding the construction of adaptive information platforms in advance, and provided feedback on the content of these questions from NIES. We also conducted questions and answers. For WebGIS, which had attracted considerable interest, we set up interviews to explain them in a separate frame, and there were also active questions in the questions and answers that followed. It is expected that the results of this training will be utilized to promote platform building in Thailand and Indonesia.


During this fiscal year, we plan to visit Thailand and Indonesia from NIES and conduct training in Thailand and Indonesia. Based on the achievements and problems gained through this training, we will endeavor to further enhance the training.

(Published on December 14, 2018)