Climate Change Adaptation Information Platform(A-PLAT)

Report on the results of a questionnaire survey of participants in the FY2019 Climate Change Adaptation Training

Date of the meeting August 29th -30th, 2019
Venue Tokyo

A questionnaire survey was conducted on 71 participants of the FY2019 Climate Change Adaptation Training held on August 29-30, 2019. This section introduces some excerpts of responses.

1.About the Training

Q.Lecture Levels on Climate Change Basic Knowledge (General)


Some of the good points were comments such as "It was good to provide the latest information, etc." and "I was able to understand the contents efficiently." Other comments included "I think the implementation time was a little short" and "I felt it would be good if there were a basic explanation on the climate and impacts in a comprehensive manner."

Q.Introduction of Case Studies of Local Governments


In addition to comments such as "The plan formulation schedule of the lecture municipalities and the failed talks have been helpful," I received a request that "I would like to refer to information such as cooperation with other departments and the budget size."

Q.Lectures on every STEP of manuals


We received comments such as "I was able to explain and understand the flow of each STEP," and "I hope there was a story about the points to be noted by each STEP and the required data."

Q.Regional Climate Change Adaptation Planning Group Work


More than 90% of respondents answered "Very helpful" or "helpful". We also received requests for "participation of other departments outside the environment" and "enhancement of reference information" as improvement points.

Q.In addition to the content of the training, the training items that would be effective if the training were conducted.

We received suggestions for training items related to "coordination within the agency (coordination with other local authorities)", "how to manage the progress of regional adaptation planning," and "how to use A-PLAT and precautions for use."

2.Training for Regional Adaptation Plan Revision

Q.Is there a need for lectures on expert forecasts of future impacts in order to create a more enhanced regional adaptation plan?


Q.Areas of special interest (I want to give specialized lectures) ("I think it is necessary")

Q.Expected training in addition to the above

We received requests for training for departments other than the environment, training on how to deal with climate scenarios, and training on how to gather information on scientific knowledge on climate change impacts and adaptation.

3.Requests to the Ministry of the Environment and the National Institute for Environmental Studies

We received a variety of requests and proposals, including "cooperation with other ministries and agencies," "information on future forecasts at the local level," "support for implementation of impact assessments," and "activities to inform the national media about the idea of adapting to climate change."

In this questionnaire survey, many people evaluated the content of the training, while we received various requests and suggestions regarding items to be added to the content of the training. The answers we received from you will be used to support the promotion of adaptation by local governments in the future, such as enhancing the next training session. Thank you very much for your cooperation.

(Published on October 17, 2019)