Climate Change Adaptation Information Platform(A-PLAT)

Information Sharing Among LCCACs

For local staffThis page is mainly for government and municipal officials and researchers.

This section introduces online tools to facilitate the smooth and efficient sharing of information among local climate change adaptation centers.

Regular Conference of Local Climate Change Adaptation Centers

Since October 8, 2020, the first meeting has been held on-line every other month to assist local governments in promoting climate change adaptation and to build closer coordination between National Institute for Environmental Studies Climate Change Adaptation Center (CCCA) and the Local Climate Change Adaptation Center (LCCAC).
At these meetings, members of the meeting, CCCA, LCCAC, Climate Change Adaptation Office of Ministry of the Environment, and Regional Environmental Office of Ministry of the Environment, gather together to share the needs of LCCAC's business and administration, to exchange frank opinions, and to provide information.

Opinion exchange meeting for promoting Local climate change adaptation

We share the latest trends of the Regional Climate Change Adaptation Center and CCCA's support tools, and hold an opinion exchange meeting as a place to form a network with people who are responsible for promoting regional adaptation.

Climate change adaptation training

This training is for employees of local governments, etc., in order to deepen their understanding of how to collect and organize regional climate change impact information and formulate regional climate change adaptation plans.


A-PLAT Lab is a closed on-line platform for discussing and exchanging information from the Local Climate Change Adaptation Centre (LCCAC) and the Climate Change Adaptation Centre (CCCA).
We are able to exchange information between LCCAC, CCCA, and LCCAC easily, and we share and aggregate information required for promoting the business of adaptation, such as examples of other centers and trends in adaptation communities in relevant ministries and research institutes.
In addition, A-PLAT Lab has been established as part of joint research (adaptation joint research) with National Institute for Environmental Studies, entitled "Building a Co-Creation Platform for Providing Scientific Information to Promote Adaptation.

A-PLAT friends

This is a communications platform that is conducted through Microsoft Teams dedicated channels established in CCCA with the aim of revitalizing communications and building trusting relationships between National Institute for Environmental Studies Climate Change Adaptation Center (CCCA) and the Local Climate Change Adaptation Center (LCCAC).
Local governments, etc. will share information, ask questions, and exchange opinions on an as-needed basis under channels that meet their objectives, including those engaged in climate change adaptation promotion activities as well as those interested in climate change adaptation as participants, not as representatives of organizations, but as individuals.