What is the Local Climate Change Adaptation Center?
For local staffThis page is mainly for government and municipal officials and researchers.
Article 13 of the Climate Change Adaptation Act stipulates that each prefectural and municipal government shall endeavor to ensure a system that can function as a center (Local climate change adaptation center; hereinafter simply referred to as the "Center") that gathers, organizes, analyzes and provides information on climate change impacts and climate change adaptation in their areas, and provides technical advice.
The Center is important for strengthening the information base on climate change impacts and adaptation in the region, and for promoting local efforts through information provision to businesses and residents in the area. In such a case, if we can utilize regional research institutes that have already accumulated scientific knowledge on climate change, the accumulated knowledge of Japan can be efficiently used for promoting adaptation without wasting it. From the viewpoint of not burying local knowledge on climate change, prefectural and municipal governments are expected to proactively secure the Centers.
What is the Local Climate Change Adaptation Center?(PDF)

Notice of Enforcement
This is a notification document issued by Ministry of the Environment to prefectural governors for the purpose of disseminating the intent of the Climate Change Adaptation Act and smooth implementation by local governments. Please read it to understand main points, activities, and points to keep in mind regarding "Securing the Centers."
Article-by-Article Commentary
This is a guide to the Climate Change Adaptation Act. Please read the Article 13 showing the purpose and explanation of the Centers(p.48).