Climate Change Adaptation Information Platform(A-PLAT)

Adaptation Futures2018 Report3

Date of the meeting June 18-21, 2018
Venue South Africa/Cape Town

Adaptation Futures2018 opening ceremony

"Adaptation Resources" on this topic

The theme of this Adaptation Futures, which will be held for the first time in developing countries, is "adaptive resources."
It aims to think not only about economic resources, but also about knowledge, human resources, capabilities, and collaboration with organizations and policymakers. At the opening greeting, Mr. Stephan Halegatte, lead economist of the World Bank, took the stage and stated the importance of building resilient societies to adapt to climate change.


Health and welfare

Session 404 "Health and Welfare"

Session on Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation in the Health and Welfare Sector.
From Japan, Yasushi Honda Professor of the University of Tsukuba announced the time-series changes in natural adaptation to the effects of climate change in the hot heat field. It has been shown that human spontaneous adaptation, which occurs with increasing temperature, reduces the risk of heat stroke, which is inherently magnified by increasing temperature, more than expected. Other participants also published studies demonstrating that increased temperatures increase areas at risk for malaria and studies on adaptation measures to identify vulnerable groups to heat risk in poor households in South Asia and to reduce potential heat risks.


Poster presentation

Poster presentation

The poster session is a poster that is posted all day before the hall, and each presenter is asked questions before lunchtime and during the afternoon tea break.
The posters were refurbished every day for three days, and many studies were introduced. Multiple participants asked questions about a multiple-dimensional vulnerability assessment method for formulation of adaptation plans, which was a research presentation by Takuya Togawa of the Fukushima Regional Environmental Creation Research Institute in National Institute for Environmental Studies, and the Togawa Researcher gave a direct answer to this question. Similar studies by other presenters have included examples of vulnerability assessments conducted in South Africa (Gauteng City), indicating the high level of interest in this area.

(Published on July 10, 2018)