Climate Change Adaptation Information Platform(A-PLAT)

Timeline (Disaster Mitigation Action Plan)

Publication date December 13, 2018
Sector Natural Disasters and Coastal Areas
Region name Overseas(United States of America)

Adaptation activity

The Timeline (Disaster Mitigation Action Plan) is a plan in which a chronological order is created for steps in a disaster response, focusing on "when," "who," and "what" in regards to the roles of the different organizations involved. Torrential rain events are expected to become more intense due to the effects of climate change. The national government, local authorities, businesses, residents, etc. can cooperate in creating a timeline in advance, in order to better coordinate their disaster response.

Outputs / Expected benefits

In 2012, Hurricane Sandy made landfall in the U.S. states of New Jersey and New York, hitting major cities. With the consideration that "disaster mitigation is based on the assumption that destruction will occur" the timeline developed in advance of the landfall by the New York Governor’s office helped limit the extent of destruction and evacuations were organized based on this timeline.

図 大規模水災害に関するタイムラインのイメージ
Fig. Response timeline for large-scale water-related disasters
(Source: Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism website)
Sources and Related Information
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism website "Timeline"
"Timeline (Action Plan for Disaster Prevention) Formulation and Utilization Guideline (First Edition)" (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism)
[Movie] Responding to disasters in the Timeline (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Policy Channel)

"Creating a Detailed Timeline" and "Creation of Hazard Mitigation Maps and Emergency Action Plans by Local Residents" also show examples of the timeline.